secret admirer -E.B.C

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"Typical"I told my friend Anna

"But look he gave her flowers" she said in aww

"Yeah and if I don't recall he does this every single day"

"So it just shows how sweet and caring he is"

"Well yeah" I got to admit it is cute in the romantic way

I opened my locker to get my books for my next class when and I see a note attached to the door

"Dude I freaked swear that is so cute" Anna squealed

I've been getting these anonymous notes lately and I would be lying of I said they weren't sweet because they are

I still wonder who writes them

"Have you figured out who they belong to" Anna asked


"Dude you are one lucky girl"

"I guess" and we both laughed

"So what does it say this time"

I opened it and read it

"Te ves muy hermosa hoy pero cuando no bueno estaba pensando 'y si por fin nos conocemos' so que tal si hoy después de escuela para que así te pregunte una pregunta"

"You look very pretty today but when don't you anyway I was wondering 'how about we finally meet' so how about today after school so I can ask you a question"

It had his famous signature

An E

There are so many people that have an E as their first initial like Edward, Evan, Erick, Enrique, Esteban, Emanuel, Eduardo, Elijah etc..

If he had put an initial of his last name it would of been so much easier to guess who it was

"Omg you're going to finally meet him" she whispered yelled very excitedly which caused people to stare at us

"You are right"

"Well of course I mean sooner or later I would and I actually wanna see who my 'secret admirer' is"

I've got to admit I'm dieing to meet him

My heart it beating so fast

If I could I would be jumping up and down. Well actually I can but I don't want people to stare at me and get these what-the-fuck or is-she-crazy kinda looks so I'll just do it mentally

"Omg just 2 more hours till the end of the school day" Anna said very not so casually

"I know Anna I know" I laughed

"Oh by the way he writes he's gonna be very good looking"

"How can you tell how someone looks by the way he writes" I asked

"Special talent" she shrugs

"Your something special"

"I know" she dramatically flips her hair

*Bell rings*

"See you after-wait no tomorrow" she turns around heading to her next class "wait call me later I wanna hear all the deets"

I roll my eyes and laugh

"Alright now go to class before Mr. Grumpy gives you detention"

"Yes sir"

I hope these 2 hrs go by fast so I can go home and take a nice rest

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