sleepover (j.c)

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Jaime:y/n we're having a sleepover at my house wanna come
Y/n:idk let me call my mom
Jae:ok but just letting you know Yoandri is gonna be there so um pretty sure your moms gonna say yes
Y/n:hmm I'll still call her

* you call your mom*
Y/n:ama Jaime va tener in sleepover and I wanted to-
Y/m:ya le dije a to hermano que si so you could stay too
Y/n:ok thnx mom ily
*you hang up*

Jae:so your mom said yes
Jae:ok see you tonight
Y/n:ok 😊

Ale:y/n did they invite you to Jae's sleep over party
Y/n:duhh 💁
Ale:your going to make it lit 😂 like always
Y/n:obvi 💁😂
Ale:is your brother gonna be there
Y/n:you know Yoandri never misses out on a party
Ale:true true 😂 anyways we gotta go shopping
Y/n:what for
Ale:well it's a party so
Y/n:Ale no seas babosa it's a SLEEPOVER
Ale:ok ik but I need new pajamas
Y/n:wow 😤
Ale:so that's a yes
Y/n:fine I'll go pero to no voy a comprar nada
Ale:come on y/n just a little something for Jaime 😏😉
Y/n:omg 😑
Ale:ok sorry 😂

*time went by so fast it was already the end of the day you and Ale went to the mall she bought ALOT of clothes 😂 once you guys finished shopping you went to get some Starbucks 😉 after that you went home and got a sports bag put on some shorts and a shirt and headed off to Jaime's house*

Ale:damn were late
Y/n:babosa it's 5:42
Ale:yeah but they already started watching a movie
Ale:contigo no se puede 😑
Y/n:boiii 😤 you know what just go with Yoandri
Ale:good idea 😂
Y/n:it was all your sisters fault
Joel:yeah I think I know that 😂
Ale:shut up 😒
Joel:y/n come sientate
Joel:between me and Jaime
Y/n:you think I'll fit there
Jae:your skinny
Y/n:I'm not that skinny 😑
Jae:right I forgot "your pregnant"😂
Yoyo:yes she is
Y/n:no I'm not 😤
Joel:ok then explain why you eat alot
Ale:guys she's low-key pregnant ok
Jae:I'm kidding y/n 😂 you know we love you
Joel:actually I low-key hate her
Y/n:ok I wasn't asking
Joel:someone's -
Y/n:don't even say it
Joel:mad *you roll ur eyes and Jaime starts laughing*
Jaime:ya calmados 😂

We were watching a movie and then it finished Jaime Joel and Yoandri wanted to put a scary movie me and Ale didn't have a choice plus I knew Ale liked the idea b/c she would cuddle with Yoyo 😤 I on the other hand never liked scary movies 😂😤 I would only watch umm to get food 😂 but they finished all the popcorn 😤o well*

Jaime:y/n quieres popcorn
Y/n:I thought you'd never asked 😂
Jaime:I'll go get some brb
Joel:do you like Jaime
Y/n:ummmm why
Joel:just wondering
Y/n:I ughhh -
Jaime:anyone want popcorn
Y/n:I thought it was just for me
Ale:girl you ain't special
Y/n:geez that was harsh
Ale:I'm kidding
Jaime:hey I got one just for you 😂
Y/n:aww thnx Jaime ❤ ur the best
Joel:da- *you give him this look*
Jaime:the movie is going to start
Y/n:Fuck 😩

The beginning of the movie wasn't that scary but once it showed the scary parts you were hugging Jae you ended up sleeping before the movie was finished Jaime got you and took you to his room and layed you on his bed while he slept on the floor you woke up and saw him on the floor so you got up and woke him up

Y/n:Jaime wake up
Y/n:sleep on the bed
Jaime:your sleeping there
Y/n:we've talked about this before
Jaime:I know but I don't want you to- *you kissed him*
Y/n:so are you going to sleep on the bed now
Jaime:yeah but why did you kiss me
Y/n:geez sorry umm
Jaime:no it's ok
Y/n:it was the only way you could shut up
Jaime:well then I'll need those kisses 😏
Y/n:nope sorry no more
Jaime:aww why not
Y/n:b/c well just b/c
Jaime:y/n I need to tell you something
Y/n:how about tomorrow
Jaime:well it is tomorrow
Y/n:ughhh when I wake up

His hands were around your waist and you didn't say anything b/c honestly you liked the feeling

Next morning
You wake up and the first thing you saw was his face boiii his lips 😩 I actually kissed him b/c I couldn't take it anymore so I had to 😅 he really-

Jaime:good morning princess
Jaime:pues si
Y/n:oh well then good morning
Jaime:remember yesterday about the kiss and that I needed to tell you something
Y/n:yeah *he got up and kissed you and you kissed him back but then you pulled back*
Jaime:whats wrong
Y/n:Jaime I -
Jaime:wait y/n I always wanted to say this and after the kiss I want to ask you something
Y/n:I umm ok
Jaime:would you like to be my girlfriend
Y/n:Jaime I thought you'd never asked
Jaime:so that's a yes
*he gives you a tight hug*
Y/n:ily2 ❤

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