Chapter 6

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I can't believe that nigga just talked to me like that. I run this shit not him. He just don't know he's gonna get what's coming to him.

Someone knocked on my door knocking me out my thoughts.

"Come in." Oliver said.

In comes his sister Jasmine.

"Hey wassup bro?" She said walking in and having a seat.

"Nothing much. What can I do for you?"

"Listen. I want to ask you a question."

"And what is that?"

"Who's the guy that you was talking to earlier?"

"What guy?"

"That was at the door when me and Amber can out."

"Who? Dave? What about him?"

"Put a sister on."

"And why should I do that?"

"Come on man. You know I want him. He fine as hell."

"Jazz ain't you with Chris?" Oliver said looking at her side ways.

"Nah. That ain't serious. He's just a fuck thing. I'm trying to make something with this dude here. So enough with the third degree. Put a sister on."

Oliver shook his head.

"Jazz you are not a nigga. Besides I got business with him. I don't want you getting caught up in this shit."

"Who said that I was?"

"I know you. And if he hurt you I would have to ruin my plans for him earlier than later. Stay the fuck out of this."

"You ain't my daddy man. I am a grown ass woman. And I want him. Now give me his number." Jasmine said.

"Jazz I said no. Now get your ass out my office. I got business."

"Don't worry about it. I'll find his fine ass. And when I do I'm letting you know I'm most definitely gonna fuck."

"Man get your ass out my fucking office Jazz." Oliver said throwing a cup at her head towards the door.

Jasmine laughed and left.

Oliver picked up the phone and called his boy.

"What up Hitta. I got that nigga. He acting stupid now so we may have move the plans up."

"Move them up how?" Hitta asked.

"We take over his shit and then we knocked his ass off."

"Now you trying to kill this nigga?"

"Fuck yeah. I don't want his ass coming back for me."

"Now you do realize he's one of the strongest and top drug lords here and you want to take him out?"

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