Desperate to change the topic I ask him to give me details about his date with Liam. And so he went on and on telling me how the hostess was bitchy and shouldered him to make him almost fall over; and how Liam made sure she was fired.

Sounds like a pretty entertaining night.

"Niall how come you weren't answering my texts or calls?" I'm pretty sure I cut him off mid-sentence but clearly it wasn't that important to me if it didn't have my attention.

"Oh Liam took my phone. He said he doesn't want any distractions and the only people I should be focused on is the people of this school."

"He just... took your phone!?" I'm baffled by how calm Niall is. But then again, Liam does have him wrapped around his finger.

"Harry Styles you are not permitted to be sitting in my class. You will be written up." The door hardly closed before Hale already started barking at me.

I groaned and stood up, assuming the normal position of my arms crossed in front of my chest. Another hour of this shit.

By the time I was sitting across from Mr. Turner I don't think I've ever been so thankful for a damned chair. My fucking thighs are burning and my shins are in pain and I have the desperate need to crack my hips. I fidget around in my chair trying to crack something and get some sort of relief.

Mr. Turner is busy on the computer but he turns to look at me with a puzzled look. "You got in trouble again? Harry." He lowered his voice slightly as he said my name draggingly and shook his head.

Louis walks in a moment later and pulls his chair beside mine. "How was your first class?"

"It was fine." I grumble.

"Whoa, next time you don't have to give so many details." He chuckled at his own joke.

"Hey Mr. Turner how's your morning been?" Louis chimes.

"It was terrible. Gideon was throwing a tantrum this morning because he didn't want to go to daycare so Daniel had to take the kids this morning because I had to be here. I guess that's the perks of being the principal." Mr. Turner was obviously stressed about the situation and it shows by him constantly looking over to check if he got a new notification on his phone, he was stacking and restocking paper work.

"Have you heard from Daniel yet?" Louis asks.

"No, I've been waiting all morning. But I'm sure everything's alright. Let's get started yeah? How was your weekend?" Mr. Turner stopped his fidgeting to fold his hand atop of the desk.

"It was good. Some problems over at Liam's but I'd imagine that'd be solved today. We didn't get up to much, lounged around really, went shopping yesterday so that was alright. Right Harry?"

"Yeah sure."

Mr. Turner seemed pleased that there wasn't any troubles between Louis and I, "So something happened with Liam? Is everything alright?"

"Yeah I think they're good now. It was a harsh discovery that Niall has anxiety. Maybe abandonment issues but it's not my place to say." Louis puts his hands up in the air in surrender.

"No, that's understandable. I just wanted to make sure they're all good. And Zayn?"

"He's good, he's good."

Mr. Turner looked like he was about to reply but he soon focused on something that was past me. I turn my head to look over my shoulder and a man just entered the room and it looked like he was headed this way. When I looked back to Mr. Turner he was already on his feet.

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