Let Hope Arise

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The weight in the bed next to me shifted slightly. His little hand entwined my own and I heard him give a deep sigh and his body relaxed again. I opened my eyes and watched my little man sleeping in the space beside me. His blonde hair had began to darken and it was deep golden blonde now. I glanced beyond his sleeping figure and checked the clock, it was nearly 9 A.M. We had partied hard last night as we celebrated Steven's 5th birthday.

Steve had come over and been successfully convinced to play twister. We laughed and played games until late into the night. I smiled to myself as I recalled the laughter that rang through the small apartment. I felt my smile fade as I glanced to the small frame that sat on my nightstand, it was beside the small alarm clock I had. In a cheap, dark brown frame, sat the only photo I had of my husband. James Buchanan Barnes was smiling brightly for the camera. It was a faded black and white image, one that Natasha had come across at some point in the compound. 

I had wished he was there last night, but I found my thoughts coming back to him more and more. A warm tear escaped my right eye and slid to disappear in the fabric of my pillow. I took in a slow deep breath, trying to compose myself. I heard a soft rap on my bedroom door, I suddenly remember Steve staying the night in the spare room. I glanced at Steven as I moved my hand from his tiny grasp. I slid from my space next to him and quietly padded to the door. 

Cracking it open, I was greeted with a cup of coffee and a smile. I took the coffee and smiled at the morning greeter.

"Morning." Steve was soft spoken, I couldn't tell how long he had been up, but it'd been a while.

"Morning," I whispered back. "Thank you." I spoke softly as I lifted the warm mug.

"No problem." He glanced beyond me, "He's still out?" 

I nodded as I took a long draw from my mug.

"I was going to go to the compound today. Would you guys like to go?" Steve took a long draw from his water bottle.

I nodded again and then gave a long yawn. "Sorry," I chuckled. "I think Steven would love to see Natasha." I glanced over my shoulder, "He was bummed she didn't make it last night." I handed my mug to Steve and winked at him, a smirk crawling up my lips. I knew just how to wake him up. Bucky had woken me many times in like fashion. 

In my half asleep stuper, I could still here his feet padding arounds the room. I heard a chair scoot out across the room from me and the padding stopped. I took a deep breath and relaxed my body, the silence was beautiful. I felt myself slipping back out of reality...

"JESSE!" Bucky's voice rang through the room. The bed was shaking and I was being bounced in the air like I was on a trampoline. 

"AHHH!!!" The scream left my throat before I could process what happened. I could feel my heart racing and I look over to my husband. He was laughing hysterically. His face was turning colors from laughing so hard, he was doubled over and holding his sides. 

I reached over and grabbed his pillow and threw it at him, hitting him square in his side. His eyes met mine and he jumped onto the bed, pinning me in my place. The smirk of mischief played across his face. 

I paused as I reached the edge of the bed, having tiptoed my way over to where Steven was sleeping. I lifted my hands to hover over the bed.

"Steven..." I whispered softly, I wasn't that mean. The smile on my face growing with each passing second, as I hear a soft chuckle come from by the door. 

"hhmm.." Steven groaned from his sleeping stuper. 

"Steven..." I whispered a little louder.

"Whaaaaat.." He groaned from his spot. 

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