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The week was over, and it was now Saturday. Things were a bit awkward at lunch when (Y/N) and Kirishima sat down at the table, but the two decided not to acknowledge what happened in the hospital, greeting each other as usual and talked about things. Haruka noticed the awkwardness but decided not to ask about it.

On the other hand, (Y/N) didn't saw Hayato at school which made him disheartened. He was told that the Sasaki family had an emergency, so Hayato was excused for awhile. (Y/N) thought to message the male, but he felt like he was being a bother and decided not to.

        Saturday morning was quiet and peaceful. (Y/N)'s parents were off to visit some relatives near by whilst the male stayed. He made up some excuses, but surprisingly his parents were convinced by it (because normally they wouldn't, and instead drag him along with them). They left pocket money in case the male would order food or go grocery shopping and left, leaving the male alone in their house.

He sat at the kitchen sipping hot chocolate while reading a book he bought the other day. He planned to just lay back and relax for the whole day, maybe do some chores if he's generous enough and catch up on sleep.

As he was finishing a chapter of the book their doorbell sounded. (Y/N) looked up from the book, wondering who'd it be. The doorbell sounded once again and (Y/N) stood up. "Coming, please wait!" he shouted and scurried to the door.

Opening the door, (Y/N)'s eyebrows raised when he saw Kirishima standing there. Seeing (Y/N) was the one who answered, the blonde smiled, "(Y/N), hi! It's nice to see you on this lovely Saturday".

"Kirishima(-kun)? Wh- what are you doing here?" (Y/N) looked behind Kirishima to see if Haruka was there, but the girl wasn't. He looked up at Kirishima, rubbing the back of his neck, "I didn't get any messages that you were coming here..."

Kirishima shook his head, "It's fine, it's fine. I came by here abruptly so it's on me," He lightly chuckles, his hands in his pockets, "I happen to be around the area so I thought to visit you".

(Y/N) nodded in understandment, but didn't said anything else. The two was once again in an awkward silence as they looked elsewhere but the person in front of them. The two haven't talked about what happened in the hospital, which made sudden silence like this an awkward situation.

Kirishima was first to break the silence, clearing his throat, "So... About the thing I said in the hospital... Um, yeah, sorry about that. It's not that I don't want you to have other friends than the two of us, but Hayato is just... doesn't feel right..."

(Y/N) looked at the male, sighing, "I get what you say, but I assure you, he's not a bad guy. Plus he teaches quite well, so I'm thankful for that." He smiles a little, but then he shakes his head, "He is a bit quiet at times, but I guess that's just how he is. Don't worry dad, I can take care of myself".

"Oh ho ho, Dad?" Kirishima grinned, wigging his eyebrows. He looked down at (Y/N), "I wouldn't mind you calling me that when you're showing off your legs like that".

With that (Y/N) looked at his attire and his cheeks went pink. Since he didn't expect any guests, he was still dressed in his sleepwear. A pair of shorts and an ugly large shirt that was given to him on christmas three years ago. (Y/N) reached out to hit Kirishima, saying, "You pervert!", but the male only dodge to the side and (Y/N) missed him.

Kirishima smirked, "What, I'm just saying you're showing off your legs, it's not like I'm saying anything else".

Huffing out a breath, (Y/N) prepared to kick Kirishima in his crotch but the ring of the phone cuts their interaction. Kirishima grabbed his phone from his pocket, answering the phone call, "Hello?".

(Y/N) watched the other as he leaned against the doorway, his arms crossed against his chest. Kirishima glanced at (Y/N) and winked. The other male responded with a middle finger.

"Ah, right, of course. I was just about to head back, the line was pretty long haha." The blonde looked away from (Y/N) and instead faced the other way. Although (Y/N) was curious to who Kirishima was talking to, he simply listened to the other whilst thinking if he should just order take out or buy groceries and cook.

"Sure, sure, I'll head back right away. Alright, see you then." and Kirishima ended the call. He turned to (Y/N), scratching his cheek, "Ah, I'll be going ahead, my friend is wondering where the hell I've been. I did just swing by here to greet and well, apologize".

(Y/N) straightened, nodding his head, "It's alright, I understand. But next time even if you're just swinging by, text me alright? I don't want anyone disturbing my peace time alone haha".

"Oh, you're alone?" Kirishima raised an eyebrow, "Where are your parents?".

"Left early to visit some of my dad's relatives. They'll come back tomorrow afternoon. Well, that's what they told me anyways." The male shrugged, "It's fine. Like I said, I can take care if myself".

The blonde was silent for a moment, before he slowly nodded and smiled, "Ah, alright. I'll go ahead then (Y/N). See you on monday!" He said, and left. (Y/N) closed the door behind him when the other was gone, sighing.

Well, the small problem with Kirishima was (sort of?) solved. But he still didn't know what was with Hayato. He went back to the kitchen where his phone was and decided to finally message the other, asking how he was. He then placed it on the table once again and headed towards his bedroom.

He decided, for lunch, he'll be eating outside.

Although he felt a little lazy, he thought of buying himself a small treat (which sadly can't be ordered for delivery) and motivated himself.

With that in mind, he grabbed decent casual clothes and went to the bathroom.

In the kitchen, his phone rang a few times before silence filled the room once again.


A/N: I don't know why I tend to write and push interactions between characters. Probably because I couldn't think of anything to write for the chapter haha.

This is sort of a filler, I guess.

Question #4: Do you think there's different types of yanderes? I think so, but they're all obsessive in some ways.

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