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A/N: 5.35k! Thank you lots~ ❤
Question 1: In this book, do you think you're the seme, uke, or a seke? (top, bottom, switch/versatile)


            "Oi idiot, stop taking (Y/N)'s food, can't you see he's barely eating because of you?".

"Oh, it's fine Haru(-chan)," (Y/N) chuckled, "Seems like his appetite increased lately".

Kirishima wiped the grease off his mouth, exclaiming, "Of course it did! Don't you know the torture I've been through? With mountains of homework and the intense practice coach is making us do, I think I haven't slept in four days. I barely have time to eat".

Haruka scoffed, "You slept like a log at home and always eat at least three plates when it's dinner, don't lie." She slapped her brother's hands once he tried to reach in for food.

        It was currently lunch time, and the three were seated in the noisy cafeteria. After weeks of not seeing Kirishima, (Y/N) was surprised that he was a bit tanned than before, and his fingers were wrapped in bandages. Seems like they take sports here seriously.

"Oh right! (Y/N), I heard you've been walking home with Sasaki(-san)?" Kirishima asked (Y/N) as he continued to slurp on the male's noodles, "Why is that?".

(Y/N) nodded, "He's helping me tutor. Why, is that a bad thing?".

Haruka snorted beside him, "Of course it's bad! I keep repeating he's a bad guy, why would you stick around him?" She pointed her fork at him, "If something bad happens to you because you've been hanging out with him, don't come crying to me!".

"Haru, you're overreacting," Kirishima's cherry tone faltered a little, "Besides, Sasaki isn't a bad guy. If he was, he wouldn't be here would he? Those are just rumors anyways, why so quick to believe?".

Haruka stuck her tongue at Kirishima, rolling her eyes, "Rumors you say, but admit it, most of the rumors you hear in this school is actually true! Just like the case of Toyama-san!".

Kirishima flicked Haruka's forehead, "That's an old case okay? Plus, it was already settled. So stop believing rumors so easy".

While the two siblings were bickering at each other, (Y/N) was staring down the envelope he had in his hands. A girl approached him awhile ago, handing out the letter to him and said, "It's for my friend. They're too shy to hand it themselves, so I'm helping them!".

It was a wonder why the two didn't noticed, perhaps it's because they're too focused on each other's throats.

Only when Kirishima glanced at him did he noticed the envelope in the male's hands. He turned silent. Haruka also faced (Y/N), her eyebrows raising, "What's that?".

(Y/N) shrugged, placing it it his pocket, "I'm not really sure, but someone gave it to me. I'll read it later on".

Haruka jabbed Kirishima, "It's obviously a love letter! Why would people just randonly give out envelops?" Kirishima glared at her, wonderjng why was he suddenly hit, "You don't know that, so who are you to say?".

"There's defenately a lot I'm allowed to say!".

        School had just finished and groups of students exit the gate. A few stayed behind to clean the classrooms, attend practice, or meet up with clubs.

(Y/N) didn't have to clean the classroom today, nor did he joined any club or sport, so he was out early. Like the usual, Hayato was waiting for him at the gate, his head lowered on his phone. (Y/N) approached him, greeting the smaller male, "Afternoon Sasaki(-senpai), Did you wait for long?" He asked. Hayato looked up from his phone, putting it away, "Not really. But I waited for you to tell you I won't be able to tutor you today".

"Oh?" (Y/N) was a little surprised, "Why is that?".

Hayato shifted a little, looking away, "It's nothing to be concerned of. It's just for today".

(Y/N) pursed his lips, nodding his head, "I understand. So um, see you next week then!" He bowed his head and turned to leave. But as he turned, he accidentally he bumped into someone, making the other stumble back a bit. (Y/N)'s eyes widen a bit, "Ah, I'm so sorry- Aoi(-san)!" He exclaimed, seeing the familiar face, "I'm sorry for bumping into you".

Aoi pushed her glasses, chuckling, "It's fine, nothing bad happened. And please, just call me Aoi. Just about to head home?" She asked him, her eyes darting to Hayato, "Oh ho, Sasaki, I thought you have left since awhile ago".

Hayato glared at Aoi, "I just talked to (Y/N) a liitle bit. Plus, he's late, what am I supposed to do?" He crossed his arms, lookung away from the two.

(Y/N) glanced at Hayato before he turned to Aoi, "Um, yeah... I was just about to head home. And you?".

"Same as you. I'll be heading first then. See you next week (Y/N)." The female patted his shoulders before leaving, disappearing with the crowd of students. (Y/N) turned to Hayato, lowering his head, "I'll... I'll head out too. See you next week (senpai)." He mumbled, before he waved goodbye and left.

Hayato watched the male's figure before it disappeared, then looking at the road in front of him. Thinking of calling the driver, he reached out to grab his phone, but an arm was suddenly wrapped around him. Hayato looked up, his eyebrows furrowing, "Kirishima?". He moved the arm away from him, taking a step to the side to create some space.

Kirishima looked down at Hayato, smiling at him, "Hayato, been a long time since I've talked to you. Who are you waiting for?" He asked, stuffing his hands at the pocket of his pants. Hayato didn't reply to the male, trying his very best to ignore him. Kirishima didn't mind it, he was used to him getting ignored.

"Hey listen, you know, I heard you've been hanging around with (Y/N) a lot," Kirishima looked at the ground, the smile on his face never leaving, "Seems like you two are pretty close. But you know, there's some pretty bad stuff that's stuck to you. I don't wanna seem rude, but you shouldn't interact with him anymore," He glanced at Hayato, just to see if he had any reaction, "After all, bad things could happen to him if he did".

"Does it matter to you?" Hayato kept his expression bland, his gaze on the road, "He has his own mind and makes his own decisions. Besides, I'm just tutoring him, nothing wrong with that." He scoffed lightly.

A black car rolled in front of the two. Hayato didn't hesitate to open the door and head inside. As he was closing, he heard the other speak up, "Of course it's wrong. Taking advantage of someone else isn't good you know".

Hayato's lips pursed, "I'm sure you know how it feels to do so don't you?".


Question 2: Does the story make sense? Like, does each chapter flow with each other? I'd like to know your thoughts ^^

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