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            "Tell me honestly, what's going on with you?".

It was the day after yesterday, the afternoon sun was shining brightly outside. (Y/N), after cleaning up the living room and tossing away the casette vomited in their bathroom. He barely had any appetite afterwards, heading to bed after taking a pill for his headache. He only woke up when his mother shook him awake to eat dinner.

Now he was sitting in the living room with Kirishima who visited him to inform what was going on at school. Kirishima was surprised when he saw (Y/N)'s condition, deciding to stay with the male to see if he'll eat properly. (Y/N) couldn't refuse, letting the male inside.

Right now, they both ate lunch and decided to lounge on the couch. It was after a few moments of silence did Kirishima asked (Y/N). The male didn't reply immediately, instead his gaze darkened and his hands clenched the pillow in his hands. He let out a breath, "I'm fine, there's nothing wrong".

"Yeah right, does a sickly looking person look fine? No, they don't. Stop lying (Y/N), Haruka and I have been worried about you. Is there something going on? Is there someone bothering you? Are you bullied in school?".

The shorter male tensed, shaking his head slowly. Kirishima crossed his arms, huffing, "You do know it's much better if you let it out right? The more you hide it, the more you bottle it up, at one point your emotions will explode. If it's something you can't say because of... Things, its alright, we're here to listen to you".

Although those words did give a sense of comfort, he still felt that, if he opened this matter to anyone, those who know will be in danger as well. He didn't want that. He didn't want people he cherished be harmed because of his stupidity.

But he just couldn't take it anymore.

He burried his head at the pillow, silently and internally screaming inside. Kirishima frowned, wanting to hug (Y/N) as a form of comfort, but the ring of the bell interrupted both of them. (Y/N) looked up towards the door, mumbling under his breath before he began to stand. Kirishima stood up first, placing a hand over (Y/N)'s shoulder and lightly pushed him down on the couch.

Kirishima opened the door, his eyebrows raised as he looked down at Hayato, "Hayato, what are you doing here?".

The smaller male looked up at Kirishima, a blank look on his face. He was silent for a moment, before he cleared throat, "Is (Y/N) inside? I would like to talk to him".

The blonde leaned the door frame, crossing his arms as he smiled, "And why is that? As far that I'm concerned, you're not tutoring him anymore. Nor are you really that close to him. What brings you here?".

"That... Is none of your business. It'll only take a few minutes..." Hayato tried to peek inside, but Kirishima's tall stature blocked his sight. He glared silently. The two was interrupted when (Y/N) was behind Kirishima. Seeing Hayato, he pushed away (Well more like squeezed out of the house) Kirishima and stood in front of the other, "Sasaki-kun, what brings you here?".

Hayato was a little caught off by the male's appearance. Especially how tired and pale he looked. He pursed his lips, giving him a paper bag, "I came to see your condition since, you looked a little sick when I last saw you," In the hallways that is, he couldn't find the courage to walk up to him, "Oh and I bought some treats for you. I thought you'd like it".

Remembering the tall presence behind him, (Y/N) looked at Kirishima with a raised eyebrows. The blonde huffed, glancing at Hayato briefly before going back inside. (Y/N) turned to the smaller male, taking the paper bag, "Thank you,  you don't have to trouble yourself." He said, forcing out a small smile. Hayato frowned a little, looking down at the ground before he sighed. In a low voice he said, "This... Might be a little weird... To say, but (Y/N), are you really that unaware of that dangerous person? Are you really that unaware that your life is constantly in danger?".

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