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"So, you're telling me... that you possibly might have a stalker? I mean, it is possible, but it's not like anyone has been (openly) showing interest in you other than Eimi-san right?".

(Y/N) rubbed his temples and groaned, "I'm aware of that, but how can someone enter the house without opening the windows or locks? I checked the whole house and nothing was out of place. And I...Well, I bumped into Sasaki-senpai that day... He told me there was someone following me".

Haruka crossed her arms, sharp eyebrows raising as she heard Hayato's name, "What if he's playing with you? You didn't see for yourself that someone was following you. Who knows if he made up that lie".

(Y/N) leaned back at his chair, hands shoved into his pockets. He fiddled with the silver ring inside his pocket, his gaze down on his lap. He sighed, "Whatever you say Haru. But he's not that bad. He's just... Well... Mysterious...?".

"Mysterious is a word I'd describe him, sure, but he's the dangerous kind of mysterious. He has been what, missing school for a few weeks now? It's like he just goes here for show but leaves after he needs to deal with their "family business". He's shady and weird, it's not normal".

"I know but... He's just... A little misunderstood?".

The bell for class rang, signalling students to get inside their respective rooms. Haruka stood up from the chair she was sitting at, glancing at (Y/N) before she walked to her respective seat. (Y/N) sighed, taking out his notebook as the teacher walked into the class.

After he read the message, he placed them all back into the box and threw straight into the trash bin outside of their house and locked every single lock in their home. He couldn't even sleep well that day, thinking that there could someone watching his every move. Only when his parents came back noon the next day did he pushed the issue out of his mind and calmed down. He didn't mentioned anything to his parents, yet that is. He didn't want them to panic unnecessarily if it did turned out to be something petty.

(Y/N) thought about it. He was sure he properly locked the house before he went out. The lock at the front door wasn't tampered with. His windows were still shut tight. So how did...

"Haru-chan! your brother is looking for you!".

(Y/N) realized that it was now lunch time. He looked down at his uncomplete notes, cursing for not focusing on the board. He packed it away, slumping at his chair. He felt like he had no appetite to eat lunch at the moment, might as well ask if he could copy some notes from his classmates. He groaned, placing an arm over his face.

"(Y/N), you're not gonna eat lunch with us?" Kirishima's voice sounded beside him. (Y/N) lowered his arm, looking up at the tall blonde before he lightly shook his head, "I'm not really hungry right now..."

"Eh, you should eat something though, you might get hungry later." Kirishima sat down at (Y/N)'s desk, his head lightly tilted to the side, "Is something wrong? Are you okay?".

(Y/N) sat straight, nodding his head, "I'm fine, just... I don't feel like eating right now." He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck, "I probably ate too much breakfast haha. I'll just fill my stomach with food after class maybe. Where did Haruka went?".

Kirishima crossed his arms, sighing, "She went to the principal's office to meet our parents. Something came up. But don't worry, it's nothing big to be concerned of".

(Y/N) nodded his head, stiff silence after the small talk. Kirishima pursed his lips, feet tapping at the floor. It seemed like he wanted to say something, but when he opened his mouth, no words came out. Kirishima mumbled under his breath, gritting his teeth in annoyance. He stood up, "I'll head to the cafeteria then. Make sure to eat something later on alright?" He said, before he turned his heel and walked out of the classroom.

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