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September 15th 2019

Mum put out all the plates as the room fell quiet again.

I'm sure they had a lot of questions,

They always do.

"So, how's the apartment?" Mum speaks out. I smile looking up to her.

"It's coming together. I only moved in a couple weeks ago." I smile.

"New place already?" Michael asks.

"Yeah, guess I outgrew that old apartment fast." I shrug.

"Well I'm going to have to come spend a week with you next. You can host your mother right?" Mum laughs.

"Always. You're always invited." I smile.

"What about me?" Nadia asks.

"Nope, never." I joke.

"Clown." She shakes her head laughing.

"What's wrong with you?" I over hear Luke whisper to Ashton.

"I- I just have a headache." Ashton nods slowly. He's holding his temple and staring at his plate.

"You haven't touched a thing Ash!" Mum notices his full plate.

"Yeah, just feeling a little under the weather. I'm gonna go. Sorry." He stands up quickly storming off. The door slams almost as quickly as it opened.


"Shit sorry." Michael mumbles picking up all the things he knocked over. The white walls surrounded me as I closed my eyes. "So-"

"Not right now Mikey." I shake my head.

"Right." He nods.

"Do you think, it was wrong maybe?" I ask quietly.

"I didn't even know you had to pee on those things, Addison. I don't think I'm the best person you should be asking about how they work." Michael says making me laugh slightly.

"Right." I nod.

"Let's just hope it was wrong." Michael looks at me grabbing my hand.

That's when the doctor came back in.

"The results are in."

"Pregnant?" Luke asks shocked.

"Yeah. Pregnant." Jack smiles lightly.

"You're kidding!" Mum screams holding up the baby outfit that had 'worlds best grandma' on it. "I'm going to be a grandma!" Mum jumped up smiling and dancing around. She went to Jack wrapping him into a hug. "My first grand baby!" She screams smiling.

I swallow feeling my throat closing slowly.

"Show me the photos!" Mum slapped his arm as Jack pulled out the ultrasound photos of his and Celeste's baby.

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