An Unnecessary Talk

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Luna thumped Cinder on the head harder this time. She yelped then gave Luna a menacing look,

"Don't give me that Cinder! I know you can do better than that!" 

Training to emit the bat shield was a big pain in Cinder's ass brain. Her head was starting to spin since they had been at this for about two hours. The goal was to emit the shield for as long as ten minutes. So far she could only do up to a minute and a half.

Everytime the shield let down, it shattered quickly instead of dispersing into disappearing bats. There was a sharp pain in Cinder's head each time it shattered. She wanted to vomit,

"I can't do it anymore Luna! I feel sick!"

Luna sighed sitting down and scratching her head, "That was about a good five minutes that you had the shield up the other night. Why can't you emit it as long anymore?"

Cinder fell to her knees, panting, "Maybe it's just one of those once-in-a-while things..."

"Well we don't have that long. It'll be too late if you can't protect yourself or the people you care about."

Cinder looked up at Luna, who was staring back at her very intensely. Luna stood, circling Cinder slowly.

With a high jump, Luna came down with a hard kick. Cinder put up her shield quickly but was shattered the instant Luna's foot came into contact with it. The force sent Cinder flying into a tree.

The wind was knocked from her chest and she fell gasping for air. Luna raised an eyebrow,

"Well that certainly didn't work." She said in a disappointing tone. Cinder's face was dark as she looked up at the casual Luna,

"Of course it didn't you insane princess! Are you trying to kill me?!!"

Luna shifted her hips. Cinder put up the shield perfectly the moment someone's life was in danger. Maybe she needed a threatening reason to have the shield up for so long. Luna let out a sigh,

"Alright we're done here."

"You're damn straight we are!!" Cinder barked.

On the way home, Luna was quiet the whole time. There has to be a way to emit her shield perfectly. At this rate, it would be too late for any of them.

"Luna!" Cinder yelled, making her jump out of thought.

"What?!" Luna gave a disoriented look.

"I asked if you're going to the Spring Dance?"

Luna smiled, "Of course I'm going! I have to stand up the other trash at being the most beautiful when I show up! Of course my sister too."

Cinder smiled, but felt a bit sad. She had never fit in with school until the twins showed up. Let alone never asked to one of the dances. Cinder sighed,

"Well have fun." She said, walking ahead of Luna.

Luna stopped, knowing already what the problem was. She heaved a heavy sigh, Cinder gets too depressed about things. Then again she has gone through a great deal of changes in the past eight months.

Maybe Cinder needed to go to the Spring Dance to get some things off her mind. Of course she needed someone to go with. That's where it got tricky, and Luna knew who just to turn to.


Cinder flopped on her bed, getting into a depressing mood. She never had anyone to go with to any of the school dances. Let alone be asked to one. Luna was going with Lucifuge, and Estrella with the escorts from Romania. All five of those people would be the most beautiful there. Cinder didn't want to ruin that for them, even if she wanted to go.

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