The Moon and Star

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Cinder sat at the usual table in the back of the lunch room. She spent every minute eyeing any girl out of the ordinary. Not to mention to remind herself to scare the shit out of Sammy and Tammy when she sees them. And maybe kick thier ass.

Or get Slender to scare them for all eternity. Cinder munched on her fries, scanning for any girl that seemed out of place. It was no luck. The bell sounded finally to go to 4th period. Cinder grunted sitting up in her chair and walking to class.

She could help but still scanned the crowded hallways for anyone unusual, but still no one stood out. Maybe this chick had a real good sense of blending in.

Sitting in the forbidden Pink Four, Cinder could see Sammy and Tammy exchange confused looks. They both looked back at Cinder, who then gave them a sadistic smile,

"You bitches tried to kill me? Well you got another thing coming your way." She said in a threatening voice. The two girls looked at her wide-eyed before turning away from her. Heh, that'll teach em.

Ms. Styles continued with the lesson plan. How was Cinder supposed to find this princess? She wasn't exactly popular in this school. Talking to other groups of people all of sudden would be no help. They'd just ignore her like they already do.

The door opened to the classroom, breaking Cinder from her thoughts. Two girls stepped in through the door that screamed abnormal to Cinder.

They were identical, same height but different body builds. One had black hair that was blacker than what any goth make-up could be, and stretched down her back in flowing locks. Her body was curvy, especially her hips. She wore a crop-top that had a pattern of a moon and galaxies on it. Her pants were black and finished with shiny black boots.

The other one had platnum hair that seemed to shine and glow in the light. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun, letting locks frame her flawless face. She wore a silvery-white dress with a studded pattern that looked like stars dotted here and there. She wore white and silver flats with little star bows on the front.

Everyone gazed at them as they walked up to Ms. Styles handing their schedules to her simultaneously. Was that them?! It couldn't be!! They're obviously new and bizarrely dressed, but their styles were cute and dark at the same time. Plus, it was only one girl that Cinder was looking for. Maybe Chris was lying? But why would he? He protected her, and kissed her! Then who are these twin girls?

Cinder shook herself from her thoughts seeing them take the seats behind Sammy and Tammy, which were on either sides of Cinder. She faced forward, trying not to look at the twin girls. Cinder could feel the two staring at her. It made her nervous beyond all things.

Things stayed like this until the bell rang for 5th period. Cinder let out a big sigh before scurrying to her next class.

What the hell was that about? It didn't matter, she didn't want to know anymore. Those two creeped her so much she felt like she found more people to avoid besides school itself.

Not really caring if she bumped into anyone, she hurried into health class. Sitting in her seat in the back, she went pale as the two twins stepped through the same door and looked around. They both smiled seeing Cinder in the back, alone, empty seats on either side of her, again.

She cursed under her brrath as she seemed to wince back the closer they got to her. Once they sat down, she felt the same stare they were giving her not too long ago. She finallybhad enough as the last twenty minutes of class came.

Looking at the dark haired girl, Cinder smiled, talking as calmly as she could,

"Look, I don't know what your problem is, but cut it out. I don't become friends with weirdos like you. Stop staring at me or we're going to have a problem."

Staring back into the girl's eyes, she stopped seeing how much they shined. They were a moonlight blue color. Even in her iris it seemed she had craters in them. They were beautiful.

"I believe you're the one staring at me now." Cinder blinked at her. Her voice sounded so smooth and gentle. It nearly made Cinder blush. The other girl giggled, fixing her platinum bangs,

"We aren't here to hurt you, we just want to be friends, Cinder." She smiled.

"My name is Estrella Cosmo, and it's a pleasure to meet you" She said, holding out her hand. Cinder shook her head, "Sorry, I don't shake hands, but it's nice to meet you too."

It was weird, and it freaked Cinder out, no one was ever nice to her. All all. She sighed without thinking beforw the other girl spoke again, "And I'm Luna Cosmo. Me and my sister just...uh...flew in from the...uh...North."

Did she have a speech impediment? Or probably just nervous to meet new people. Explains why they were staring at Cinder. It didn't matter, just as long as they didn't do it anymore. Luna cleared her throat,

"Sorry if we made you uncomfortable. We're just looking to fit in here. And seeing you and the way you dress, we can tell you're alienated from people. I wouldn't blame you. The human...uh people here are a bit rude and distasteful. Estrella and I couldn't help but over hear some gossip about a 'goth girl'. They address you that way?"

Cinder nodded, "I don't really care, I've learned to live with it. Don't be surprised if a bunch of people try to bash my name to you. Give it a few days."

Estrella scoffed, turning her body to Cinder, "We don't like people who talk lies about other people. And from this small conversation, you seem like a nice girl." She smiled, that it seemed she was glowing as she did so.

Cinder smiled, "Thanks, but you really wouldn't want to hang out with me anyway..."

Before Estrella could reply, the bell rang for the next class. Without a word, Cinder gathered her things and walked out the classroom, disappearing into the crowd.

Luna sighed looking at her twin double, "Don't forget why we're here sister." Estrella smiled brightly, "Of course not sister! We need to get close to her, don't we?"

Luna nodded, "And stop being extra happy, your true form is starting to show through." Estrella nodded, following her sister out the classroom door.


As always thanks for the reads guyzzz!!! I love every single one of you! I've been working on another book so I can work on one another to keep you peeps entertained! Stay classy!! :D

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