Winter Break

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Things seemed normal all of a sudden, except that the Cosmo twins had Cinder over their house 79% of time. It was getting tiring as the season went through September, October, and November. Cinder admitted that they turned out to be cool girls to be around, and could safely say that she could trust them.

It was a week before winter break, and they were already planning on taking Cinder with them on a trip. A trip to Romania, to see the supposed Dracula's Castle. It sounded wonderful but she wanted to spend that time with Slenderman.

She hasn't seen him at all for the past few months, and it made her wonder if she did something wrong. Perhaps he went somewhere to feed. If that's what supernatural beings do.

Cinder spotted the twins coming into the lunchroom, and at the same time, they were looking for her. They went and sat down with Cinder, pulling out their lunches. Luna was always eating healthy things like salads and organic juices and crap.

While Estrella was always eating sweets and nothing but fatty foods. Maybe she had a kink for cellulite. It always amazed Cinder that Estrella could eat a whole cake to herself and not gain a single ounce of weight. Maybe there was something about the twins. Perhaps they were supernatural beings too.

No, they couldn't be. They were way too cool to be demons or witches. Luna snapped get fingers at Cinder,

"Hello?! Did you hear me?" Cinder blinked, giving Luna a dazed look.

"What? Huh??" She stuttered. Estrella shook her head laughing,

"Luna said we got flight tickets to Romania. We'd leave this Saturday in the morning."

Cinder blinked. So soon...? She thought about Chris. Come to think of it, he hasn't been around either. She wondered if Slender and him got into another bloody fight. Estrella munched on her cherry pie,

"You need to get your things ready. We already got your passport for you."

"How did you do that without me being there? Don't you need my I.D. or something?"

Luna smiled, "Don't worry Cinder, we just wired over your school yearbook picture" Cinder raised a brow. She wasn't even going to ask how they did it, but whatever.

"Guys, I don't even know Romanian or whatever language they speak over there..." Cinder said with a sigh.

Luna shook her head, taking a drink from her lemon and raspberry detox water.

"No need Cinder, I speak fluent Romanian." Luna smiled, taking another drink.

Cinder sighed, there was no getting out of this trip with these girls. It'd be nice to get out of this forsaken place anyhow.

"Alright, I give up. I'll go with you two. But promise me Luna, I won't have to speak to anyone?"

"Of course. I mean Estrella can help too, she can speak basic Romanian."

Cinder looked at both of them in question, "How do you guys even know Romanian? Did you live there at some point?"

They looked at each other, forgetting in the moment.

"Uhh...yea! We were there until we were fourteen!" Estrella said quickly. Cinder looked skeptical,

"Then why don't you have an accent?"

"We were tutored very well when we came to America." Cinder shrugged, nodding at their answers.

"How long are we staying in Romania?"

Estrella shoved a strawberry cream roll in her mouth, making her cheeks puff up like a chipmunk,

"Mmmm.... All of winter break!"

Cinder choked on a frie, looking at the twins. "What?! What about my dad?!" she exclaimed.

"Well I suppose we can get you back a few days before 'National Gift Day'"

Cinder smiled in relief, guess they didn't believe in Christmas. It made her laugh the way they described it. She nodded, the bell ringing to go to third period.

She guessed she'd be okay on the trip, what's the worst that could happen?


Friday. Night. Cinder stared up at her ceiling in discontent. Putting a pillow on her face, she let out a stressful grunt. As if it were a call for help, her dad knocked on the door before opening it,

"Hey puddn'. Feeling okay?" he asked sitting on my skull stool. I moved the pillow from my face, making a sad puppy face.

"No I'm not feeling okay! I don't want to go on this trip! It'll feel weird going to a different country!"

Her dad chuckled, shaking his head, "Go out and see the world Cinder! I do it all the time but I'm an ol' man. Go have fun wit' ya' friend's Cinder. Be sure to come back for Christmas though. I got you a special present you might enjoy!"

Cinder sat up with glittering eyes, "Really?! Thank you dad!" she exclaimed jumping into his arms. He gave her a loving squeeze before kissing thw top of her head.

"Alright now, I'll give ya some money in the mornin' before ya leave. Make sure you behabe on this trip princess." he said, giving Cinder a rough ruffle of her hair.

"Oww! Haha, okay daddy I will." He smiled, giving her another kiss goodnight then walked out of her room.

Her room was silent for a moment before there was a small hissing noise. Cinder jumped up quickly. What was that? Was it a snake?

Cinder pulled her feet up on her bed, looking around on the floor for anything. The hissing stopped, making Cinder stop and listen hard. Her heart was beating in her ears as her hearing was becoming sharp. Something was breathing slowly, and it was behind her.

Slenderman, he finally came to her. She smiled, "You know I hate it when you do that." She turned to face someone who wasn't Slender. Her heart stopped as she gazed upon this dark person.

He was tall but not as tall as Slender. His skin was a pale grey color, and his eyes were black with ruby red pupils. He wore a crisp black suit with the redest tie Cinder had ever seen. It looked like it was made from the richest silk anyone had ever made. His hair was slicked back, with a few strands draped over his forehead. He had a cane in his right hand, embroidered with a serpent coiled and eating an apple at the top. Last of all, his smile seemed gentle but sinister.

His voice was a raspy deep one when he spoke, "Hello dear daughter..."


As always thanks for the reads chickdeezz. Love to every single one of y'all :3 Thanks for le new follows n stuff :3 really do appreciate it aaaaannnnnd yea ;p Stay Classy ;D

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