Not that type of Family Reunion...

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"W-who are you?!" Cinder asked with a shaky voice.

The dark man smiled, showing sharp teeth, "I'm someone closer to you than you think, my dear." He said. His voice sounded so ghastly and scary. Cinder had never been so nervous before. She forced herself to speak,

"You called me your 'daughter'....I'm not your daughter." She said neing a hundred percent sure with herself.

The man chuckled, "I didn't expect you to believe me, and I'll continue to accept your denial until the time comes where you'll become a woman. But I'm here to give you some fatherly advice, dear Cinder."

She cringed at his words, "You are not my dad!! You're a full blown creep if you ask me!" she raised her voice.

His smile became larger, he was excited to sense some of her power was leaking through her spirit. She would come home soon enough.

He put up his hand, gently raising Cinder off her bed to stand up. Cinder froze, feeling her body in, what felt like, a giant hand. She stood a foot away from the dark man, her legs shaking in fear.

"What is your name...creep..?!" she asked, trying not to show as much fear. He looked deep into Cinder's eyes, seeing her internal conflict between fear and confidence.

"I am the dark lord of the underworld, the King of Hell, Satan."

Cinder's eyes became wide. No way! Satan himself in her room?! But why?!

He chuckled again, "I came to see how my little one was doing. Considering you have gotten rather close with a certain something these past few months."

Cinder snarled, "You leave him alone!! He's done nothing wrong!!"

He examined Cinder, circling her slowly. Is he checking her out? What a creep! She kicked the staff out from under his hand, it sliding against the wall. He seemed surprised.

"Oh my, I wasn't expecting that. You're definitely much quicker than I thought." He said, looking at his staff.

"Get out of my room!" Cinder shoved him with all the force she had, making him stagger a little, "And NEVER come back!!" she snapped.

His eyes widened at the sight of hers, they were sparkling red. He could sense her power leaking out a little more. Satan nodded,

"I'll be back to check on you sometime later, Cinder. You be a good girl and stay away from that Slenderman." Without another word, he smiled, disappearing with a bright flash.

Cinder looked around her room to make sure she was completely alone. She was. Something shiny caught her eye, looking over to find Satan's staff still on the ground. Cautious, she went over to it and examined it. The coiled snake didn't seem as opposed to when Satan was holding it. It looked lifeless.

Cinder carefully reached down, and touched it barely before flinching back. It didn't do anything. Taking a deep breath, she gently grasped the snake, picking it up with ease. It wasn't heavy at all to Cinder's surprise.

It was a beautiful staff, and the snake was elegantly crafted. It felt a bit warm to her. Actually it was getting hot, pretty hot. The snake's tail wrapped around Cinder's wrist tightly, glowing purple instantly.

"Wha?!!" She exclaimed, trying to break away from the staff but couldn't. The staff began to morph. The snake design melted away, becoming what looked like a rat's tail. The head and apple melted away, morphing into a bat baring its fangs and its wings spread open. The eyes glowed brightly before dimming into two beautiful amethyst crytals. There were three rats trailed up the staff, one still holding Cinder by the wrist.

Cinder only watched in awe as the staff took it's new form to her liking. The warming sensation cooled off as it became lighter and lighter. It glowed brightly before turning into a mist form and dispersing into Cinder's chest. A pain rushed through her body l, bringing her to her knees.

It went on for a few more seconds before stopping all together. Cinder opened her eyes, feeling something warm drip down her lip. She puffed, wiping away the substance and looking at her hand. Blood. She must've been biting her lip to keep herself from screaming.

She sat up, feeling her chest was a little tight. What the hell was all that about? At that moment she questioned everything she felt wasn't real. She stood, looking around for anything else that was out of the ordinary, of course not.

Just what the hell was going on now?!


As always, thanks for all the reads and votes guyzz!! <3 <3 <3 Thinking about cutting it off and doing a sequel :3 but hey we'll see what happens :) Stay Classy ;D

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