The Last Bit of Truth

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Cinder's eyes grew wide, wanting to tear again but held back. Slenderman took a deep breath,

"I suppose it's my turn to spill out the rest of the truth huh?" he said. His voice changed entirely, sounding deeper.

A chill went up Cinder's spine and wondered what he had to say. Just looking at his changed body language, told Cinder his answer was entirely different. She gulped hard, ready for his part. He was silent for a while then spoke,

"I knew all along that you were the daughter of Satan. Since before you were even born. I watched countless decades for the right moment when your father would choose another sad prey. Your mother was the perfect target. He would then give her his love and thus you were born."

Cinder stood, taking in every word. Slenderman stepped back in a cautious manner,

"You were born with the power passed on from Satan. One of the few spawns that could actually replace him in the throne. The only being...strong enough..."

Slenderman stopped, taking a deeper breath, "The only being strong enough to have my child."

Cinder's eyes went wide. He couldn't possibly love her that much.

"What do you mean strong enough?" she asked nervously.

Slenderman took Cinder's hand gently, "I'm dying Cinder, and I need to carry on my legacy. The time for me here on earth is nearing towards an end. I need an assurance that my legacy won't flicker out like a candle, and you are the only one that can do that for me. The only human as a matter of fact."

Cinder looked down, not sure if she should feel betrayed or not, but was angry.

"So this whole time you were trying to get me pregnant and leave me?!"

Slenderman's hand became warm. He looked down the see black smoke seep from Cinder's hand. Her grip brcame tight. She looked up at him with a menacing face,

"You're no different than any other irresponsible father on this pathetic planet!!"

Slender watched as her eyes became red and black smoke seeped from her body. Slenderman slipped from her grip quickly and stepped back. Maybe this was all too much for her. In a state of being so fragile.

He watched Cinder stand there, the smoke slowly flowing around her. She wasn't loosing control? Cinder was wondering the same thing.

She looked at her hand, through a film of negative sight. She could see the smoke and looked up at Slender.

"This is what I really am...?" she asked, her voice shaky.

Slender immediately felt sorry for Cinder. Any human would have trouble comprehending this sort of turn in their life. He pulled Cinder into a loving hug, feeling her body shake. Slender could hear her burst into a loud cry. He hugged her tighter as she cried.

"Cinder!!" Luna's voice shouted from a distance. She could be heard jumping from tree to tree, landing in fromt of them. Cinder turned around to see the twins in a fighting stance,

"Get away from her Slenderman!!" Luna shouted, holding a small bottle in her hand.

Slender sneared at Luna, "Didn't I tell you royal pains not to interfere with us anymore?"

Estrella began to chant a spell. Slender immediately launched his tentacles at the twins, them dodging the attack just barely. Luna lost her footing and tripped over, Slender seeing the chance to end her.

Cinder looked over to Luna, seeing the helplessness.


There was a loud clang, then silence. Luna opened her eyes in surprise. She looked up to find herself even more surprised.

There was a large transparent purple bat that blocked Slenderman's tentacle. Luna let out a sigh as she watched the wings of the bat envelope her in a purple bubble.

Luna looked at Cinder who had a determined look on her face. Her eyes were glowing a bright purple and was sweating.

Slender withdrew his tentacle, looking down at the exhausted Cinder. She pushed him away and she fell to the ground. Cinder grunted,

"You leave them alone...Slender! They're my friends! If I can trust them you can too!!" She yelled.

Estrella jumped down from her tree, trying to help Cinder up.

"No! I need to this on my own Estrella!"

Estrella shook her head, seeing Cinder starting to huff deeply.

"No Cinder, you'll work yourself to death if you don't stop! This is a bad start for you!" she pleaded.

Luna looked up sensing Lucifuge near. Cinder staggered up, her knees wobbling badly. She grunted in pain with every movement she made. Slender watching, seeing she was stronger than he thought.

"Cinder enough." Lucifuge said, appearing before them all. "You've done enough, take the shield down."

Cinder blinked, her eyes instantly turning normal again. She felt her body numb before hitting the ground again. Luna watched as the bubble shield disassembled with tiny purple bats.

Lucifuge carefully picked up Cinder, turning his attention to Slender. He sneered a bit, preparing he tentacles,

"If you're going to fight me demon, do it now. I'll have one less demon to worry about."

Lucifuge shook his head, "You want to protect the Princess of Darkness as much as we want to. I assume we are all on the same side here. I won't ask your intentions though, I'll give you that much in exchange for you promising to protect Cinder."

Slenderman scoffed, "I don't need to repeat a promise that I already made to myself."

Estrella stepped forward, holding her sister up, "Then it's settled! No more attacking one another! This is mutual from now on until further notice! Got it Slendy?!"

He didn't answer, but turned his back. Estrella growled at his rudeness as he walked off into the darkness. Lucifuge sighed,

"Let's go girls. He doesn't trust us entirely, but we're on the same page. That's enough for me. We need to keep Cinder's power in check. Anymore fits and she'll prematurely evolve into a true Queen of Darkness."

The twins nodded. But they were all still wondering one thing.

Where is Ezra and when will he attack...


Heeeeey thanks as always for the readz, votes, and follows and such!! love every single one of you!! Since I'm attending college now it'll take some time for me to update, gotz a lot of homework but I WON'T stop this book! Couldn't have done it without you all!! MUCH LOVE!!! Stay Classy ;D

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