"You bet! I'm so sure, that I'm gonna become the Wizard King!" He loosened up and curled his fists by his face.

"The Wizard King? Whatever you say, kid. I know kids your age like to aim high, so I say go for it." She had stopped examining him.

"Alright! Before the final test, why don't we ACTUALLY introduce ourselves to the newbies?" Everyone nodded in unison. The woman with pink hair wrapped an arm around you and Asta.

"My name is Vanessa Enoteca, but just call me Vanessa, kay? You guys are gonna have a loooot of fun around here."

"My name is Charmy Papittson! Here have one of my munchies, they're suuuuuper gooood!" The short girl with the bun handed you a cupcake with pink frosting and some colored sprinkles. You smiled and thanked her. You were exhausted after today, so this would really help give you some energy.

"My name is Gauche Adlai. Have you seen my beautiful sister Marie? She's an angel." He flipped around the photo to show a small girl with blonde hair and purple eyes, smiling brightly into the camera. As you looked over the photo, Gauche's nose began to bleed.

"Uh.. she is very cute. I believe your nose is bleeding though. Are you alright?" You tried to assist him, but he just walked away staring at the picture. You just shrugged it off as one of the "normal things" that happened there. You heard a loud shuuu and immediately knew who it came from. You heard Vanessa chuckle.

"That's Grey. He doesn't talk very much. He's a pretty good guy though." You slowly nodded wondering if he's ever said anything before joining. Luck seemed pretty bored already, so he went off to go jump around and stuff.

"Luck get your a- never mind him. I already told you, (Y/N), but my name's Magna Swing, and blondie over there is Luck Voltia. You'll have to get used to him asking to fight you 24/7." Just tell him no 10,000 times and he'll go away." You noticed to seem how Luck always looked so happy. You wondered what his backstory was like. You heard what just barely sounded like a whisper from the side of the room.

"Hello. My name is Gordon Agrippa. I hope we can be friends." Is what you only thought you heard. You just grinned back at him.

"My name's Asta. Hope we can all get along." Asta said with a toothy grin.

"I'm (Y/N) (L/N). It's nice to meet all of you." You bowed slightly.

"Hey, you don't gotta be so formal here. We're far from it." Finral waved a hand in front of his face. The sudden shouting of Magna made you jump of out your skin.

"ALRIGHT! Let's start the final test of the night!" You were confused on this "final test part".

"What do you mean final test?" You asked him as you and the rest of the squad began to walk outside.

"It's a test to see if you're really fit to be in the Black Bulls. You guys are gonna fight me together so one of you doesn't learn my strategy and use it against me." It did make some sense, but wouldn't it be kinda unbalanced since it was 2 versus 1? You weren't gonna question it though.

  You and Asta stood next to each other while Magna stood a little farther away across from you. You watched as he summoned his Grimiore, which was grey with a large skull covering at least half of it. The clover was located inside the left eye of the skull. He pulled out a baseball bat engulfed in flames, while using his free hand to summon balls of flames.

"Whenever your ready." He said holding his bat across his shoulder and his flame ball in hand. Asta pulled his sword out of his Grimiore, and you summoned a couple of your orbs. You turned your attention to Luck when he laughed and yelled

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