After Lydia was feed and I burped her I laid her back down so I can finish up with Brantley's breakfast. Brantley is having eggs, bacon and fried taters. With in the next 30 minutes Brantley feed and water all the animals outside. Plus hanged a rope from the barn to the cabin. Plus brought in more fire wood for us. 

I was waiting on Brantley to get done eating so I can wash the dishes and put all of them away. I looked outside and saw the ground was all covered with snow. I looked back at Brantley and saw him getting more food. See why I make a lot of food around here. My man sure does love to eat all the time. Oh well, I don't mind at all. 

"It's still snowing." I told him. Brantley looked. 

"It sure is Darlin. Bigger snow flakes too." Brantley said to me. 

"Yes it is. Thank you for getting more fire wood." I told him. Brantley looked over at me and smiled. 

"You don't have to thank me Darlin. Your my family. It's my job to keep you and our daughter safe and worm." Brantley said to me. I smiled at him. 

"Best husband in the world." I said to him. Brantley smiled at me. 

"Here you rest love. I got Lydia for a while." Brantley said to me. 

"No no no. You eat. After your done we can all take a nap together." I told him. Brantley smiled at me. 

"Sounds like a great idea to me love." Brantley said to me, giving me a kiss. I can't get enough of this man for nothing. He's the best, well the second best thing to happen to me. Lydia and Brantley are my everything. I don't know what I would do if I lost either one of them. 

After Brantley was done eating he walked over to Lydia and myself. I looked up at him. 

"Can I help you Mr. Gilbert." I asked him. 

"Yes you can love." Brantley said to me. He took Lydia out of my arms and laid her back down on her crib next to the fire place. It's the warmest place in the cabin, and I want Lydia to be warm. 

"What are you doing Brantley?" I asked him. He pulled me up to his level and gave me a kiss.

"I want you." Brantley said to me before he kissed me again. All the way to the bed room Brantley and I was kissing each other. Brantley laid me down on the bed. 

"Hold on." I said to him. Brantley looked at me like I was nuts. 

"You want me to put on my new nightgown on." I asked him. Brantley had the biggest cheeses smile on his face. 

"Yes mama please." Brantley said to me. I got up and walked over to the trunk that was in our room. I picked up the short black silk and lace nightgown. I smiled over at Brantley before I moved the sheet so he couldn't watch me get undress and then this nightie on. 

"I still don't know why we have this sheet up. I've seen you naked lots of times. I mean hello I was there when you had Lydia." I heard Brantley telling me. 

"Well as I recall you went to get the doctor, but by the time you got the doctor Lydia was already here." I told him. 

"Still. I want to watch you get undress and ---" I walked out and Brantley was just standing there. Here I am 5'0 even with a black silk and lace nightie on. Remind you this night gown only comes down past my bottom.

"You like this one Brantley. Because if not I can put the other one on." I told him.

Brantley didn't even blink twice at me. He walked over to me, cupping my butt cheeks with his hand. 

"You look amazing babe." Brantley said to me, giving me a kiss on my lips. Brantley lift me up. I wrapped my legs around my husband. Brantley walked us over to the bed and he laid me down on my back. Brantley was rubbing my inner thigh. 

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