DONNIE: You Get Kidnapped

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"Donnie you should take a break soon", you tugged on his arm a bit.

"In a few minutes I'm really close", he had his tongue sticking out slightly.

'he's been saying that for the passed 2 hours'

You let out a small sigh and walk out with the dirty dishes that were piled up, when you come back you bring a wrapped snack for him when he does get off, you wrote a note and placed it on metal-head.

'might as well go home if he's busy~'

You say bye to everyone and head up top.

"shoot its getting really late", you start a light jog home.

A Large shadow was seen from the alley way you saw a tail peeking out, it looked kind of like a lizards tail but the color was off, you peek in the to see a human sized gecko.

'woow now that's cool . . he has a skateboard how interesting'

You were going to walk away but someone put a hand on your shoulder, you turn around to see kraang bots.

"Oh Come On !", I say throwing my hands up a little.

"The one known as human girl shall come with Kraang, Kraang go get the mutant known as Mando Gecko"

"Yes kraang I will go get-", you cut off the robot.

"OH SHUT UP! god your way of speaking is so irritating! how long have you been on earth and you still cant talk right?! what a 'superior alien species' you are", you roll your eyes as the gecko laughed at your outburst.

"Burrrnnnn~", he jumped up and kicked some of the robots 

You flip over the kraang bot that was holding on to you and made a break for it, noticing a large van at the end of the block you hide behind It till they passed.

'I think I lost them', you were about to leave the van but heard a bang and a muffled scream.

'what that. . . is someone inside?'

you go to the back which was locked but lucky for you Donnie showed you how to pick locks, when you opened it there were mutants in cages.

"oh no. . don't worry I'll get you out!", there was 4 total an ape, bird like person, a very rude spider, and  alligator.

'this is the last lock', once you freed them they thanked you and were about to leave but the door closed from behind you all.

"Oh Great Nice Goin girl Now were stuck here, Next time take me out First!", the spider hissed at you with rude words.

"that's a funny way of saying thank you", you rolled your eyes.

'Wait my T-phone!'

"T-phone Track Location!", you said and it buzzed a bit then the screen had a little compass on it.

'good now they will know were I am at least'., you slide down hugging your knees. 


Donnie Pov

"(y/n) can you hand me the screw driver . . . . . . . (y/n)?", I looked around but she wasn't anywhere. 

when you went back to the desk you saw some snakcs on the side with a note on Metal-head, ' i went home since it was getting late make sure to eat, love (y/n) (/U3U)/'. you smile at the note and sink down in the chair sulking a bit.

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