His feelings

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Leo pov

We were training in the dojo but I couldn't focus mediation didn't help since all I could think about was her.

Her hair the smell of it when she would walk passed you or when we hugged, how she was so friendly and kind to everyone she would even bring us things we needed with out us asking, she was perfect in every way to me and I just cant handle not being able to hold her anymore a hug wasn't enough for me.

I went to talk to April which might have been a mistake since all she did was squeal and push me, they haven't met yet but she was dying to meet her at this point.

"April, please stop screaming. . . how should I even ask her?"

"ok sorry sorry, just be upfront and honest", she said it like it was simple.

"but what if she rejects me! or thinks im creepy for asking! What if she doesn't like me back!!", you panicked.

"Leo calm down, im sure she will say yes! you'll never know until you try.", she patted your shoulder reassuring you.

you let out a slight sigh, "alright i'll go aske her now". you got up to leave the lair.


Raph pov

I was really irritated beating up the dummy didn't help, when she was here I felt relaxed but when she left I just felt like a piece of me was gone.

Her laugh and smile were what I missed the most, when I would pick on her and she would pout or sass me back was always cute, when she got excited and had that spark in her eyes Everything about her was perfect in your eyes.

Not knowing what else to do I went to Casey, I soon regret my dissension when he started complaining  about April not liking him back and how she was spending most of her time with Donnie for 'homework' as he put it.

"Casey lets go back to my problem", he crossed his arms

"oh right sorry dude, tell the love doctor about your lady problems" 

"Her names (y/n) and after we spent so much time together I just cant get her out of my head, like when she's here I don't feel irritated but when she's gone its like I'm a ticking time bomb.", he let out a sigh rubbing his face.

"dude if you have the hots for her tell her, you might not get the chance again", He got up and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"what if she rejects me?", looking up at Casey.

"come on a guy like you getting rejected? that's almost impossible", Casey chuckled.

You looked at him with a smirk and gave him a fist bump.

"alright I'll go tell her, right after we take these dragons out", he looked down at some purple dragons braking into a store.


Donnie pov 

I was working in the Lab trying to finish these bang smoke bombs, it was a tedious system Mikey already blew through my first batch so I had to make more.

At some point April came in wanting some help but I couldn't focus on what she was saying, I was just missing (y/n) she left an hour ago but I already missed her.

Her smile and if she laughed to hard I could hear her cute little snort, or when she's focused and played with were bottom lip or hair, when she would get shy or blush, when she would help be with experiments and projects.


You looked down at your phone, you smiled it was (y/n) letting you know she got home safe.

". . .-nie, Donnie!"

"w-what!? oh sorry April, . . were you saying something?"

"I've been calling you for a while now, I wanted help on this question."

"what was the question?"

"what do you get if you put '1/3>((-1^1/5)/27U)^1/2 '", she said with a smirk.

"if you simply it, and put the 1 here it gives you 'I^3U'", Donnie finished explaining not noticing what April was doing and went back to his phone.

She rolled her eyes and pouted a bit what he wasn't paying any attention to her like he usually did.

"Hey April, how do you know if you like someone?", he put his phone down.

"Well you would want to spend all your time with them, when they leave you feel like a piece of you is missing and all you want to do is be by there side even if your not doing anything", she batted her eyes at him.

"that's is I think I really love (Y/N)! I have to go tell her", Donnie got up almost running out of the lair.

"Donnie!! w-wait whos (y/n) . . ?!", she said in an angry huff, he was already gone.


Mikey pov

I was playing games but missed (y/n), he wasn't as into playing like he usually was.

You haven't visited in three days and he was lonely, he missed his player 2. You made him feel happy and would protect him if the guys were being mean to you, her laugh and when you cooked together were always the best the small moments you guys shared like when you fell asleep on him, he just looked at your sleeping face thinking you were so cute.

"I miss you . . .", he said it out loud with a sigh.

"you miss who Mikey?", Casey came in with a raised eyebrow.

"Sup dude, I just miss my friend (y/n) she hasn't come over in a while.", you pouted.

"a lady friend? shes not your Girlfriend is she?", he teased

"shes my friends that Is a girl? whats the difference?", he tilted his head at Casey.

"well you get to hold hands, kiss, cuddle, there basically the one person that will except you as you are and other benefits", he said with a smirk.

"benefits?", he was even more confused.

"Tell your good friend Casey how you feel about said girl", he said sitting down.

"I don't feel like playing as much when shes gone, we always have fun and she makes me laugh a lot", he smiled.

"do you get butterflies when she gets really close? do you ever feel like holding her in your arms? do you find yourself just looking at her for no reason but feel happy?"

"how did you know all that?", he got up shocked.

"dude you like her and its so obvious it hurts", He started laughing.

"How do I make her my girlfriend!"

"just ask her dude"

Mikey nodded and ran out the Lair going to your place with a wide smile.

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