when Donnie comes to see you

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You were pacing around in your room refreshing a website for a new book that was only letting out 100 copies signed by your favorite author, they never made them selves public but they were very famous for there works.

you heard a sound from your window, walking over hesitating a bit you saw it was Donnie.

you open the window letting him in.

"hey! what are you doing here?", you said rushing back to the computer and refreshing.

"you left this behind", he handed you a book.

" . . wait oh gosh i thought i lost it", you ran and hugged the book. "thank you so so so much", you placed it on a special book shelf with a glass cover.

"was it that important?", he looked at the other books.

"yeah . . my mom wrote that book . . before she passed away". you touch the glass and smile.

"oh sorry i-"

"its fine you didn't know", you smile at him.

"OH shoot", you jump back on the computer and refresh.

"what are you doing?", he peeked over your shoulder.

"I'm about to get a rare copy of a book I've been looking forward to!"

"oh I know that author i have some of there books as well".

You refreshed one last time and saw it was available, you clicked as fast as you could and managed to get it.

"YES I GOT IT!!!", you spun around on the chair and did a little victory dance. 

Donnie chuckled as he watched you dance, he looked over at your computer raising an eye brow.

"it says you ordered 2 books? did you accidently get 2?", he tilted his head.

"Nope! i got one for you too~", she kept dancing around.

Donnie looked at her with gentle eyes. 

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