when he asks you out #2

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You came in to the lab working on some homework waiting for Donnie to come back from the junk yard, you sat there humming when a girl walked in.

"who are you?", she sounded a bit hostile.

she threw me off but I didn't want to come off as rude.

"u-um i'm (y/n), its nice to meet you", I extended my hand.

She just looked at me head to toe her eyes narrowed.

"what are you doing in here? Did Don let you in here", she crossed her arms getting sassy.

'why is she being so rude?! no..nope don't stoop down to her Level Your better then this! sticks and stones'

"I was given permission to come in here when I wanted unless told other wise by Donnie~", you said gingerly then went back to your homework.

"well just so you know (y/n)~ Donnies mine so don't get any ideas", she had a malicious grin on her face.

 "whats your name again?!", you snapped your head to face her.

"April, April O'Neil", she had her hands on her hips.

'I know her type'

"you don't even like Donnie do you?", you said in a calm manner.

"w-what yes I-",I cut her off.

"no you Don't! your just jealous that someone else is taking up most of his attention and time, the same time he gave you but you made it Painfully clear that you had no interest in him before, why don't you save your Jealous act and drop it", I finished with a painful sigh, I was getting mad at the fact she was acting like a spoiled child  when some ones taking away a toy.

"Well. . What about you Do you even Like Donnie!", she said shooting a glare.

'I cant believe im telling a girl I don't even know about my feelings.'

"Yes I do, its not even like at this point I full heartedly love him he's kind, smart, caring and a genuine person he's gentle and wears his heart on his sleeve, that can cause pain but I for one would never hurt him the way you did", you finished your proclamation of love with a glare she took some steps back.

You heard something drop on the floor when you turned you saw Donnie standing there with his mouth open and wide eyes just staring at you.

"D-Donnie how long have you been there?!?", you turned a bright red.

He ran over and gave you a big hug.

"I didn't hear you wrong did I? y-you really like me back", his voice sounded hopeful and cracked a bit like he was going to cry.

"Yes I do, I care about you so much It hurts sometimes", you rubbed his back nuzzling against him.

By this point April has seen enough and walked out in a huff.

'point 1 me April 0, there's only room for 1 waifu and it ain't you'

"Donnie, since you heard me basically confess-", he stopped you.

"Will you be my girlfriend (y/n)!", He looked into your eyes lovingly.

"you just stole my thunder", you giggled.

"Of course I will nothing would make me happier", you gave him a sweet smile.

It looked like he wanted a kiss but before you could even give one  you looked over at the parts, one of them moved.

"Donnie . ."


"is that suppose to be moving", you pointed at the parts he dropped.

" . . no its not . . I think I broke the container when I dropped it", He grabbed your hand and took off running out the lab, a few seconds later there was an explosion.



After a long day of games and snacks I was about to go home but I got a phone call.

:on phone:

Y:"whats up mom, I was about to go home?"

M:"were going to be stuck at your aunts for a while, I don't want you to stay home alone . . . can you stay at one of your friends houses?"

Y:"let me ask"

:on hold:

"Mikey do you think I can sleep over?"

He turned to you unsure.

"Let me ask splinter!!"

After a few seconds he came bolting back.

"he said yes!!"

:Back on phone:

Y:"they said its ok to stay over"

M:"alright take care of yourself sweetheart we'll be home in the afternoon, good night"

Y:"night mom~"

:end call:

After you hung up you both looked at each other.

"Popcorn", you said

"scary movies", he added

"and PIZZA", you both said at the same time.

You both got up to get ready for the scary movie marathon you were going to binge, Mikey ran to his room taking out every pillow and blanket he had, you filled the floor with pillows and made a tent with the blankets.

"This is my first sleepover! I'm so excited", Mikey said shaking your shoulder.

"calm down dude your ganna make me puke", he stopped shaking you.

"I haven't had a sleepover either, this is ganna be fun"

You both got snacks and went inside your surprisingly big tent, laying on your stomach watching the tv, you were going to watch all the 'jigsaw' movies.

a few hours into the movie you felt someone's eyes on you, you look over at Mikey.

"whats up, don't like the movie?", you tilted your head.

"n-no I love the movie I. .I just", he played with his fingers.

"Mikey? everything alright dude?",you sat up looking at him.

"ijustwantedtoknowifyouwantedyobemygirlfriendplease....", he said it so fast it didn't even sound like English.

"Mikey slower . . like snail speed please", you giggled holding his shoulder.

He took in a deep breath and started again.

"w-would you ... be-", he looked like he was struggling.


"my girlfriend . .", he looked up at you with his adorable baby blue eyes.

You sat there taking in the information, you didn't even know he knew wat a girlfriend was and you were planning on asking him.

"(Y/n)?", he had a frown on his face.

"i would love to be your girlfriend . . but first define a girlfriend for me so i know that we have the same definition."

He explained it to you and you corrected him and called Casey and idiot for telling him the wrong information.

You finished your horror marathon and crashed  in your pillow tent holding hands the whole time.

TMNT x Reader boyfriend scenarios. [ complete ]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang