Lenny, John, and Seconds

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August 2015

"Maybe you were supposed to get married, even though you got divorced. Maybe your marriage taught you how to love the next person, and love yourself."

"I hadn't thought of it that way. That seems to be the case for Golden. She's kinder to herself now that she has remarried. Enough talk about my ex-wife. I shared one of my insecurities, so it's your turn to share one of yours, Lenny."

"After I sold the company, I have more money than I could spend in a millennium, and I have a gaping hole inside of me, because I don't know if anyone could fall in love with all of this. It happened once, in college, but twelve years since then, nothing. Too much honesty for a second date, John?"

"All of this?"

"I don't look right. I have an educated opinion about every topic I choose to discuss. I'm not young. I'm not fun."

"You're younger than me by nine years. I'm having an amazing time listening to your insights. You look perfect, even with that cake crumb on the side of your lips that I have wanted to kiss since we left the restaurant. This might sound cruel and presumptuous and narcissistic, but maybe you were alone for a decade because I wasn't available. Because I was getting ready for you. Because I could fall in love with you, Lenny."

"I don't want you to say that, because I don't want to believe it, because past is prelude, and I will be hurt when it doesn't come true."

"What if it does?"

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