13. I call quits

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[A/N: My laptop decided to update... I'm so sorry guys.]

Percy Jackson POV
Hands on my neck, tight and forceful.
Mouth wide open, thrusting in and out.
Belt around my wrists, digging in and leaving marks.

Nico Di Angelo POV
Percy woke suddenly, heaving deep breaths and shaking. I went forward to approach him but Leo wrapped him into his arms and hugged him tightly.
"You idiot! You had me scared to death! Fuck you!" He had tears running down his face as he cradled Percy, I smiled and moved to my boyfriend to help him up. Will's face had returned to normal but he seemed tired and I helped him into a bed. A few moments later, he was asleep; letting out soft snores. I released a relaxed sigh, sitting on the edge of the mattress and resting my head on his legs. An hour or so passed before I looked up, it was growing darker outside; I reached up and flicked on a lamp, illuminating part of the room. I glanced over at Percy's bed and smiled at the scene, Leo had fallen asleep on the green-eyed demigod's torso and said son of Poseidon was running his fingers through the Hispanic's short curls. Soon, I felt fingers wrap around my wrist and I shifted so I could see Will smiling back at me, "Hey baby,"
"Hey my little sunshine." I leaned forward and he reached up, meeting my lips halfway. We sat there making out for a while, lips in sync and our tongues waltzing. A short cough brought us apart and we looked over as a wolf whistle bounced off the tent's walls.
"Hey lovebirds, get a room next time so we don't have to feel as single." Leo was up and awake, resting his chin on his hands. I tilted my head, confused, "What about Calypso?"
Percy spoke up for Leo, "She's with an Aphrodite kid now."
Leo shrugged, "It's whatever... Anyway, you guys wanna grab a beer or get wasted? We need a timeout from all this."
Will piped up underneath me, "I could use a beer."

We went from beers to shots. Well... minus Will, he was very upset that we were fine with alcohol poisoning and was sitting out. Leo, on the other hand, was wasted. He'd had a few too many drinks beforehand and barely managed to get through his second dose. I could feel myself getting a bit dizzy, I wasn't a lightweight but I wasn't a good drinker either. Percy and I were at our 6th and I was not planning on backing out however my mouth had different plans, calling quits. The green-eyed demigod smiled, downing his 7th and 8th before leaning back in his chair with a large grin that reached from ear to ear. I scowled at him but he merely smirked and leaped out of his chair, demonstrating a straight walk. He looked at me suggestively, I stuck my tongue out at him and I tried to crawl off my own but landed on the floor as my knees gave out. I flipped him off and dragged my body to Will who touched my forehead, instantly sobering me. I thanked him, glad I wouldn't have to worry about a hangover tomorrow morning and kissed him passionately. Straddling him, I cupped his cheeks and lightly nibbled on his bottom lip. Mmm...strawberry. My dessert was disturbed by a sudden shriek of bells and I jerked away from him, looking around for the source of the sound. Will looked at me confused and dejected causing me to realize the sound was in my head."Someone is about to die!" I yelled back at him and his eyes widened, nodding in understanding. A glisten of metal appeared in the corner of my eye and I whipped around, running in front of Percy as soon as I realized what was about to happen. Pain ripped through my face, head pounding and I cried out. I had just been stabbed in the eye. I attempted to look for the suspect but Will had sobered Leo and was pushing us out the door. Percy was following close behind, cleaning crimson off his sword. Whoever it was, was dead now. I smiled, slipping out of my conscious state and into a black pit of darkness.
A soft ringing sound in my ears and I opened my eyes, letting out a groan. I could see... everything? I could see! I opened my mouth to release a celebratory yell but shut up when I saw the scene in front of me. 

"He's not breathing."

In Love But Not With Me (Percico) [Hanahaki AU]Where stories live. Discover now