9. I messed up

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Percy Jackson POV

"This your first time?"
I shifted in my seat and faced a pair of soft blue eyes, "Sorry?"
"I asked if this was your first time coming to a place like this?"
Nodding at the man, I took in his appearance -- messy brown locks, icy grey eyes sporting a casual attire consisting of an entirely black outfit. Minus the eyes, he reminded me of Nico. My heart ached and I emptied the glass of vodka, asking the bartender for another round. I reached out a hand to the male, "Percy Jackson. You?"
"Peter Harrison at your service. Want another drink? It's on me. "

I felt sick. Maybe that last round of shots was a bit too much. Peter had his arm wrapped around my waist, holding me up as we walked towards a place to stay for the night.
"Pete... Do ya tink -aybe my uh drin wa spike?" Saying that I felt sick was an understatement, I felt like absolute shit right now and probably looked it too. I definitely sounded it.
"Percy, you look equally confused as I am about what you just said. How about we just get some bedtime now, worry about other stuff later?"
"Co-cool." There was this weird tingling sensation in my head, I couldn't think straight. Gods know what I answered his questions with. My mind just kept rolling back to the sound of waves and to memories of Annabeth - back when I was happy.
"Is that consent?"
"H-uh? Yaah."

I don't remember falling asleep. I don't even remember what happened when we arrived at the hotel. But I do remember waking up naked. I remember opening my eyes and having to shut them right after because the lights were still on, bright and pointing right into my face. I remember sitting up in bed, a striking pain rushing up my sides and back. I remember watching, bewildered, as a white liquid came out from my lower half. I remember spinning around at the sound of a cough and seeing Peter naked from the waist down. I remember putting two and two together, and screaming as I tore myself out of the blankets. I remember toppling onto the floor just as my phone rang. And I remember the few sentences Nico whispered, clear as day.

"It's Annabeth, she...she's dead. She drowned herself, Percy."

[A/N: Sorry, it's so short. I've been really busy with school and everything, I've got another test tmrw as well gahhh. Expect the next chapter to be out by next Wednesday night tho!]

In Love But Not With Me (Percico) [Hanahaki AU]Where stories live. Discover now