🦋The Fair (Part 1)

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---Tamaki's Point Of View

I was trying to look my very best. I've never really tried on my looks. Not until I've met her. Sometimes I feel like I need to impress her. I don't know, it's weird.

I tried making my hair a little less messy, but it just sprung back into its natural habitat. Maybe.... I should dress semi nice... I shrugged, finding a black collared shirt. I then put on jeans, buttoning up the shirt. What the hell am I even doing? I was tempted to just take off my shirt and putting on my usual black sweater, but it was too late.

I already heard her door open. I really shouldn't make her wait or else I'd seem like a jackass..

I really would rather look at butterflies than to go to a stupid fair, but whatever. Mirio and Nejire are going. Y/N is too. She must be waiting on me.

--- Third Person Point Of View

Tamaki sighed, leaning his head against a wall, he started mumbling to himself, "Now isn't the time to have a mental breakdown.." He pushed himself off of the wall, slowly making his way down the stairs. His indigo hair followed behind him, almost flawlessly.

He didn't expect to see Y/N in a dress. He's seen her in her uniform and casual wear, but in a sun dress. Oh boy, that was too much. He silently melted, going on rants how gorgeous she was in his head. He held his breath, waving a little, "Hey, hope you're okay from earlier."

Y/N tilted her head a little before shaking it slightly, "Oh. It's fine, I guess. I mean, she was right, but what she said afterwards is fine! I-..." She paused the right wording. Actually, she seemed like she was going to cry, but she quickly shook her head, "Never mind, haha." She rubbed the back if her head, before slipping her f/c shoes on.

She opened the door, Tamaki following. As they were walking they met up with Mirio and Nejire, "Damn, you guys are acting like you're going on a date, huh? Y/N is looking gorgeous and Tamaki looks really snazzy," Mirio remarked, looking at Y/N. I feeling of jealousy hit Tamaki in the chest. Hard.

Mirio didn't really notice Tamaki since he was used to him being sort of silent. He put an arm over Y/N, making Y/N a blushing mess. She didn't like him, no. She had someone else on her mind, but that's not so important right now.

Nejire pulled Tamaki to the side, an arm hooked onto his. She leaned in, whispering into his ear, "Do you possibly like Y/N?" She said in a very cheery tone. A smile on her lips. She enjoyed the look on Tamaki's face.

His face bursted into a crimson red, he kept stuttering onto his words. Y/N looked back, assuming the worse, she looked back up, biting her lip. She was incredibly... Disappointed. Y/N assumed that Nejire did something to Tamaki. She'd been assuming they liked eachother for awhile, but for some reason this time it stung.

She looked down, to be greeted with Mirio's arm once again around her shoulders. She looked up. Honestly, she was used to it by then. The girl was immune to him holding her.


Tamaki signed, rubbing his forehead, "If it makes you happy then fine maybe I do like her." Tamaki said in a hushed voice. Nejire simply snickered, "Well, go and get her before Mirio snatches her. Plus, you two seem to hit it off amazingly. I wouldn't be surprised if she also liked you."

Tamaki shook his head, looking at the two in front of him, "No way, Mirio probably already has her hooked. She more than likely has feelings for him..." Nejire pouted practically leaping onto Tamaki, making him stumble on the uneven concrete beneath him, "Hey! Stop it!" Tamaki frowned, looking up only to see Y/N looking at them. He could only glance at her, but she wasn't happy.

He frowned, looking at Nejire, "I'm gonna spend time with Y/N. You go hang out with Mirio, okay?" Tamaki walked ahead, walking right next to Y/N, "Hey, uh, if you're hungry we can go get something to eat at the fair." Mirio cut in, smiling like an idiot, "Or you can go and go on the rides with me!" Y/N looked up at the taller boys. She really wanted to pick Tamaki but would feel bad declining Mirio's offer.

Before she was able to say anything, Nejire quickly ran up in front of them, "How about I hang out with Mirio and Y/N and Tamaki hang out with eachother. It'll give them an opportunity to actually get to know eachother. They are living together, after all."

Mirio shrugged. They continued to talk about weird things until they arrived at the fair. Mirio being the gentleman he was, paid for everyone. They all got wristbands, signifying they can go on any ride they wanted.

"I don't really like fair rides." Tamaki looked at Y/N taking in her features, "Well, we can ride an extreme one together. I also don't really like carnival rides, so it can be something we can experience together. If you want to just squeeze my hand if you don't feel safe," Tamaki bluntly stated. He said it with a straight face. No stuttering. Huh. Surprising.

Y/N smiled and nodded, "Lets get some funnel cake first!" Tamaki groaned, "I'd rather stick with Takoyaki, honestly." She shrugged, grabbing his wrist, "Okay, so I brought my wallet. I'll let you have some and if you don't want it I'll have the rest. Especially since you're so persistent on not eating a lot of things besides certain foods."

Tamaki silently freaked out in his head, This is it! I finally get to spend actual alone time with Y/N! No sitting around! I can actually make a move!


--- Another chapter for you guys! Looks like Shinsō x Reader will be coming up after this story is finished! Anyways! Hope you guys enjoyed. Hope you have a wonderful evening!

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