🦋 Group chat

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It was rather quiet for the time being. That was until Mirio smiled, looking over at me. Why did I have a bad feeling about this? "Hey! Y/N, how about we go to an amusement park after this?" Not only did I not want to go, I also couldn't miss training. I knew the person I was training with was going to KILL ME... Literally! I knew his family for a while to say the least. They helped me and my mom. They were an explosive family to say the least.

Whatever, he was way more intimidating than me and he was younger! Agh! Why was a person younger than me helping me train? "I-I'm sorry! I can't today... I ha-have training after this.." I looked down. Honestly, I wanted to go home, eat chips, and play some spicy games. "How come?! You're already in shape and you have an amazing quirk!" I eyed the boy, looking tired. God.. He just doesn't give up.

Wait. I shouldn't be so rude. I'm just cranky after this awful first day of school. I sighed putting my hands on my forehead. "I'm flattered and all, b-but you do realize the guy I'm training with is s-super intense, r-right?" Mirio snickered, looking over at his bored friend. No one understood why he was cackling like a mad man. "Oh so you're 'training' with a guy then right? You can just come out and say it. Plus, the quiet ones are usually the ones who are into that sort of thing." He bursted out laughing, leaving me shocked. "E-Ew! This guy is two years younger than me. He's fifteen! Mirio, you know you're super annoying."

Woah, I didn't stutter and I didn't have such an anxious feeling. I trust people too much.. Although I said those things I couldn't help but smile a little. I looked over at Tamaki who had looked at me. He seemed nervous. What for? I had no idea. "Hey Tamaki, you alright? You've been looking super nervous. Ah! Y-You don't have to te-tell me, though." Damn it! Why did my stutter have to come back. "I-I really envy you and Mirio. You two are strong.. You both are so outgoing too.."

Outgoing? Me? That's funny. "Hey, um, ho-honestly, you're way stronger than I am... Honestly, I'm not even outgoing. I trust you guys just a little, so I'm not a huge anxious stuttering mess." I said chuckling nervously. Oh god... What did I say? I sounded like a huge dork. I brought my hands to cover my face as my elbows rested on the table. Then, a sweet smelling aroma filled the air. I lifted my hands, seeing an apple pie in front of my eyes. My mom winked at my leaving the area as I looked down at it. It looked so good... There were three forks placed on the plate the apple pie was sitting on.

I'm going to get fat if I eat this. I looked down at my stomach. Despite it being extremely fat, it looked bloated in my eyes. I don't want to seem rude... I picked up the fork eating the apple pie. The taste melted in my mouth. It's so warm and sweet. I smiled at the taste.

We silently ate for an hour or two before I quickly got up, looking at the time, "Shit!". I said that out loud... Mirio and Tamaki stated at me as I looked back, my face turning red. "I-I have to go!" I quickly got up before a hand stopped me. Tamaki? No way. How would he gain the courage to even look at me. Then again, his face was extremely red. "Hey, Y/N don't overwork yourself..." With that, he let go saying something along the lines of "You happy now?" to Mirio. Whatever, I couldn't dwell on that. I had to meet up at the spot we usually meet up at..

It took a few minutes of blasting myself in the air and jumping buildings to get to the place. Unfortunately, I didn't even think of the fact I was wearing a skirt while I was jumping. Worse was Tamaki and Mirio left right after me. I must have flashed them! Ughh. As I pitied myself, I was caught off guard. An explosion flashed right by me. A blonde was after me. I simply smirked, letting out an extreme storm, rain and wind besting against the male, his attacks practically useless.

After the quick fight, we breathed heavily. Thankfully, the blonde had brought water. "Hey dumb ass, why were you standing around like an idiot?" The male glared at me before looking back. We were both sitting at the edge of a roof, our feet dangling in the air. It was nice. Besides the boy's yelling. "It was nothing. Just thinking about my day at school is all." I looked at him, rolling my eyes. Soon after, we practiced for awhile. It was exhausting. As soon as I got home, I went into the shower, quickly getting out. Afterwards, I grabbed the piece of paper from today and put in everyone's usernames.

Coincidentally after that, I heard a little bing! from my phone. I checked the message only to see a group chat.

The Dumbass Idiots

Obnoxious Dumbass 1 (Mirio):
Y/N! Hey! What r u up to??

Um.. Just got out of the shower...??

Obnoxious Dumbass 1 (Mirio):

Ur gross

UWU Boi Dumbass 3 (Tamaki) has entered the chat!

UWU Boi Dumbass 3 (Tamaki):
Why am I in this group chat?? Also, Mirio you're gross..

Obnoxious Dumbass 1(Mirio):
My boi! Tamaki! It's not gross if I'm kidding.

No ur gross lol


oud ass Dumbass 2 (Nejire):

u guys... i love this group chat(//・_・//)

Oof. I'm assuming you were stalking the group chat???

Loud ass Dumbass 2 (Nejire):
but of course. when your cute self started talking i couldn't help but to enter uwu.

I mean aight... So Mirio and Tamaki I have something to ask you

Obnoxious Dumbass 1 (Mirio):
Yes m'lady?

UWU Boi Dumbass 3 (Tamaki):

Uh did u guys see anything when I kinda jumped??

Obnoxious Dumbass 1 (Mirio):
U mean like ur undies??


Seen by 3 people at 9:06pm ✓

Loud ass Dumbass 2 (Nejire):

With that, you turned your phone off, sighing. They saw it. They definitely saw it... God! I'm such an idiotiriejdnf.


Yo... So... Like.. I sorta rushed this cause I wanted to post something so hehe.

Apple Pie (Amajiki Tamaki x Reader) // Complete (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now