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If he had to watch her get hurt again, he'd seriously go bat shit crazy. To hell with throwing him in jail. He wanted to murder Kaito. Tamaki felt... Incredibly protective over Y/N. Kaito shook his head. "No no. This will not be tolerated. You. Vault boy looking dude, put some damn clothes on." He practically forgot he stabbed the poor girl. Tamaki glared at him. He tried to remember what all he ate. Fortunately, all he ate was takoyaki and a few other dishes. He ate some chicken, so that'd maybe help.

"D-Do you think this is some damn game?!" Tamaki, looked at the others. Bakugou had a deadly smoke placed on his flawless face. "Die, motherfucker." He almost let his emotions take control of Bakugou before Tamaki stopped him. "Wait. It seems like... He was waiting for this to happen.."

Tamaki glared at the smiling boy. Kaito had his hands slightly extended as if he was going to activate something. "Uh uh. Someone actually thought about some stuff. Now, why don't I just let you borrow sweet Y/N's clothes. Aww she's so sweet." He cooed. Mirio shook his head, thankfully, his quirk was deactivated so he could actually hear what Kaito was saying. "You must have a fucking death wish if you think I'm going to let you remove a single part of her clothes." Kaito groaned, rolling his eyes. "Too late you bi polar bomb."

Bakugou was close to fucking someone up. A small, fragile voice could be heard from beside Kaito. "I-Its no use. Just leave. There's nothing you can do. Do you know how powerful his quirk is?!" Kaito happily hummed as if he accomplished something, "Our quirks match. I can make extreme wind like you and ice! Just can't have all four elements." He tossed her to the side, yawning. "Damn. I'm bored." He put a slender finger to his chin before his eyes lit up.

"Oh! Let's play a game! Okay, I'll let you guys have her right now, but! You have to beat me fair and square at a fight. One against one. If you beat me, you can keep her, but if you don't I'll kill both of you. This applies to everyone. If one of you beats me, then she'll stay and it'll be the next person's turn!"

Tamaki quickly grabbed Y/N, practically growling at Kaito. Words couldn't describe how furious he was. He held Y/N in his arms, thinking of a plan. He wanted to protect the shit out of the girl. He didn't care if he had blood all over his shirt. Kaito cocked an eyebrow, smirking. "So, lover boy, do you want to go up against me first? Go on. Activate your quirk."

Tamaki carefully handed Y/N over to Bakugou who handed her to Nejire. It's not like he didn't care. He just didn't want to show he cared.

Tamaki activated his quirk, tentacles forming onto his fingers, wings sprouting of his shirt. He was ready to activate his even powerful form, but Kaito hadn't shown he was too strong quite yet.

Kaito chuckled, water slowly spurting out of his hands. It flowed down his hand like a waterfall. To get the water, the room he was in either had to be humid or he himself had to be wet. Fortunately for him, the room was damp and humid enough for himself. "You absolute fool! You think you can beat me, huh?"

Nejire stoked Y/N's hair, trying to calm the girl down. She whispered things into Y/N's ear. Nejire was praying that Tamaki could be Kaito. Possibly knock him unconscious. Thatd be unlikely, though.

Tamaki stretched his tentacles out to the boy. Kaito smirked, blowing the incredibly cold air onto them. He caught Tamaki off guard, earning a groan from the cold touching them. Kaito soon sprayed water on them. Tamaki quickly pulled them back, running straight towards Kaito which caught him off guard.

Tamaki noticed that he had to restrain the boy. Maybe. Kaito would probably try and freeze the restraints off. Tamaki decided to go for his legs. He stretched out to grab the boy's legs.

Everyone was watching in anticipation.

"You said you were going to fight everyone of us, huh? How're you going to do that if I fucking kill you!" Tamaki wrapped the tentacles around the boys legs. Kaito's eyes widened. It was too late for him to react. Tamaki yanked harshly once the tentacles were talked around the boy. Kaito felt himself flip over, his head hitting the ground incredibly hard.

Kaito heavily underestimated Tamaki. Kaito groaned, on the verge of passing out. He groaned, clutching his head. "Damn it! Damn it! DAMN IT!!" He shrieked, all of a sudden stopping. His head hurt so goddamn much. Blood slowly leaked out of his head. Soon enough, he passed out..

The fight was quick. Too quick. Bakugou ran over there, a foot on Kaito's chest. "Do I have permission to kill this fucking bastard?!" Tamaki shook his head, breathing heavily. "No. We should take her home. Actually, we should call some pro heroes and take her to a hospital," He stated calmly. He tried to dig out his phone, praying it wasn't broke.

"Y-Yeah. I'll go call the police.... I need some fresh air.." Mirio pointed outside of the room. The atmosphere was depressing and gloomy. It didn't help that there was literally a dead body in the room. A very bloody one at that. Nejire slowly dragged the almost unconscious Y/N out of the room. They all felt bad.

Tamaki mentally beat himself up, a hand on his forehead. He stayed in the room to keep an eye on Kaito. Bakugou also stayed back. "So. Why didn't you kill him right then and there? Shit... I would.."

Bakugou mumbled, crossing his arms. "He hurt someone we all fucking care about. Who the hell wouldn't," Tamaki crossed his arms, sighing, "Because I didn't want to make her witness another death. Especially that of a old best friend. Even if he did turn crazy, I doubt she'd want to see him die. Especially since we were all close torturing him."

He put a hand on the back of his neck, "Look. I care about her. I don't want to traumatize her anymore. Especially since I was extremely close to bashing his head in...."


Apple Pie (Amajiki Tamaki x Reader) // Complete (Editing)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ