🦋Shut Up

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Kaito snickered, sharply grabbing Y/N's wounded arm. It hurt so much, but she couldn't bring herself to scream. She didn't know what would happen if she did. Instead, she groaned in pain, looking at the blood splattered on her white dress shirt. Her blood and her mother's blood included. That about did it. She turned away, quickly gagging. It finally came out, Kaito letting go in disgust.

"What the fuck! You almost got that shit on me!" He glared at her. Fortunately for her, his screaming gave away their location. Her quick cry wasn't enough and the group got lost immediately after.


"What the absolute hell! Where'd that bitch go?!" Worry filled the group. Yes. Even Bakugou was incredibly worried. They all looked around in silence. Tamaki looked incredibly worried. He was muttering to himself, as he looked around. Once he heard the shout his eyes darted that way.

He took his hands out of his pockets, running towards that direction. Finally, they were in front of the room Y/N was in. It was closed due to the bloody mess, but everything was going according to plan.

Mirio looked at Tamaki, leaning in, "Do you want me to use my quirk for this?" Tamaki simply nodded as Mirio disappeared. A pile of clothes were on the ground as he disappeared. Tamaki was ready to activate his quirk along with Nejire and Bakugou. Bakugou was ready to explode someone's head off.


Kaito smirked, a knife held at Y/N's neck. He examined their quirks. All of them. It helped him figure out who they were since they were often displayed on the news for being The Big Three at U.A. he decided to spice some things up a little bit. He had seen that Y/N and Tamaki were a little close. Closer than he wanted. He sucked on his lip, looking down at the girl he cherished..

He knew any moment now Mirio would be popping up from the ground. He wouldn't necessarily be too surprised by it, though.

Soon enough, Mirio came up, furrowing his eyebrows, a rather angry look on his cartoon-ish face. Kaito swiftly turned around, putting a little pressure to Y/N's neck. "I already know your quirk. Just know, if you come near her or try to rescue her I am going to torture her through hell and back.

All Y/N could do was stand there in defeat as tears spilled out from her eyes. She tried to hold in her cries for help and groans. Kaito mainly turned her around to show Mirio that he did indeed hold her hostage. "I-... Let her go and you won't get absolutely fucking wrecked." Kaito snickered, turning her back around. "Oh no. Your friends and blasty boi are coming. What am I going to do!... To hell with them. I don't care if they came to rescue her or not. I will make them watch her suffer and there's nothing you or your little friends can do. I know every one of your quirks. Especially little," She put on a tone as if mocking Y/N "Katsuki~" He rolled his eyes before shrugging.

As if on cue, the door was blasted down, all of their quirks activated, "Let go of Y/N right now! I won't hesitate to beat you to a pulp!" This sort of shocked Mirio and Nejire as he's never spoken out during villain attacks. He's mainly kept his composure. They quickly shook it off as Kaito put a finger close to his mouth (Kokichi style ammiright ladies and gents). "You guys won't do shit. I know that because if you attempt to hurt me, I will fucking blast you away." He blew an incredibly cold breath in Y/N's ear, making her shiver.

Kaito's quirk had gotten.... Stronger. Not only was his icy breath enough to freeze someone for a few seconds, but the water mixed with his breath could freeze anything he wanted for close to a day. "Plus, you don't want to save a girl like her. She did kill her own mother." He looked over to the darker area if the room. Blood splattered everywhere. The woman's body lying there. Everyone was mortified. Nejire almost puked.

"I-I didn't kill her! I-I.." Y/N stayed silent, the knife plunging into her once more. Luckily, he decided to miss all of the fatal spots. "Shut up. I saw you do it." He groaned, rolling his eyes. It was getting boring. Too boring. "Anyway, you. Elf boy. I guess you two are lovers? Have you had sex yet? Oh dumb question! She didn't have it with you." He smiled eerily, looking at the boys face get a more.... serious look. Tamaki looked like he was about to kill someone.

"What'd you fucking say? Look. I know I'm not as great as Mirio. I never was, but let me get one thing straight. Now that I know you've hurt her, I will kill you. I won't be holding back." Bakugou tensed his whole body up. He saw Y/N as a sister. Although he never showed it, he did love her (in a sibling way don't worry!).  To think something like that happened to her made him want to torture the dude. Starting with a special little place.

Kaito pouted. "Aw. Did I strike a nerve. And you Bakugou. I know what you want to do. You want to kill me, correct? Go ahead. Do it. Just know that if I don't make it out alive... She doesn't." He looked over at the girl who had tears streaming down her face. Blood soaked her skin and shirt. It was a horrible sight. Mirio, Nejire, Bakugou, and Tamaki were on the verge of committing a very very nasty murder. Not only had he mentally scarred their friend, but also did things they just couldn't forgive.... Tamaki curled his fists in a ball. He was forced to deactivate his quirk when he first came into the room.

He furrowed his eyebrows, looking at Mirio standing still in shock. He knew what he had to do. He HAD to do it....

Yo! What's popping! Sorry if chapters seem slow, but hey! They're longer! Anyways, hope you enjoyed this incredibly dark and cringe chapter.

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