🦋 cafe

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I slammed my hand on the edge of the toilet, sighing. God, why can't I just be a normal, pretty girl for a few days. I felt awful, but I'd get over it. I just had to sit here for a few minutes... I'll be fine.. I hung my head low, rubbing my temples. Soon enough, I got up, gaining the courage to go outside. To relieve the throw up breath, I grabbed a piece of gum from the pocket of my shirt. Thankfully, with me being anxious, I carried gum around in case I felt like my breath absolutely reeked.

I popped the piece of gum into my mouth, washing my face to try and make my face look like less of a piece of shit. God. No one believes me when I say this medicine makes me sick to my stomach. I tried to make it seem like I was just on the toilet for a long time before putting a small smile on my face. 'Yeah, like anyone's going to believe that smile..'. Anxiousness set in as I made my way out of the bathroom. I was greeted by two worried guys.

Hado was obviously off doing her own thing. The two wouldn't stop looking at me. It made me worry. Did I have something on my face? .... Silence. "Hey.. You alright? Um.. You kind of rushed off back there.", Mirio said. Amajiki shoved his hands in his pockets as he looked at the ground. I wasn't surprised Togata was the one doing all the speaking. "Anyways! We were wondering if you wanted to hang with us? Nejire wants to hang out with some of her friends. It should be fun!" I hesitantly nodded. I always look my worse after school. They seemed pretty cool, though.

--- 3rd Person Point Of View and Time Skip ---

Y/N yawned, yearning for class to end. Even though it was her first day, it already bored her out of her mind. It didn't help she also had to train after she hung out with Amajiki and Togata. Honestly, she expected them to ditch her after the two, but Togata seemed persistent on including her. May have been out of pity perhaps? Thoughts rushed through the girl's head. All of a sudden the bell rung. Everyone got up, talking and gathering their items. Annoying.. She couldn't help but to think.

Since Togata and Amajiki were in the same class as Y/N they decided to walk together. Togata mainly talked to Y/N, leaving Amajiki by himself. Although, he would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy being left alone. He wanted to go home.

The three of them arrived at a cafe. Y/N had a mortified look on her face. "G-Guys! We should may-maybe go so-somewhere else?", The two boys looked at her in confusion. Togata simply wrapped his arm around her shoulders shaking his head. "Ahah." He abruptly stopped. "This place has hella good food. Have you never been here before?", Y/N looked up. Maybe Amajiki would help. As soon as she looked at him, he averted his eyes to another direction.

Without any protesting, she was dragged into the cafe. 'Oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuckohshitohfuckohshitohfuck' She silently cursed. Her eyes met with a woman who looked almost exactly like Y/N. She tried hiding herself but it was too late.

By the time they sat down, the girl approached them. She looked much older than them, but had an aura of a bubbly fifteen year old.

--- Y/N's Point Of View ---

She's actually TRYING to kill me! I silently bit my bottom lip, praying she'd go away. Instead a smirk formed on her face. She buried my head in her chest. The two boys were a little caught off guard. They must have thought it was some strange woman. I quickly shoved myself off of her, glaring at her. "S-Since I guess it's a little too late now... I guess I'll introduce you to my mom..". Togata pulled a wide smile as Amajiki slightly waved. "Yo Ms. L/N. It's nice to meet you! We're Y/N's friends. I'm Mirio Togata and my lil elf boy over there is Tamaki Amajiki." My mom smiled, nudging me in the arm. "Snagged you some good looking ones. Especially 'Amajiki'." I felt my face get heated up. No way. I looked over at Amajiki who's face must have been as red as mine. "M-MOM!" She quickly waved after taking their orders. I didn't think today could've gotten any worse.

I looked down at the ground, Togata soon chuckling. "Y'know, I wouldn't see why you were embarrassed of her. She's soooo nice." I looked at him, my face still extremely red. I then looked back down at my hands. "By the way, what my mom said earlier. When she said the thing about you guys, she didn't mean it. I don't like you guys. Only as friends.." Togata laughed, stretching as he leaned back.

Only now, I took in the scenery. The walls were light gray while the trimming was white. As soon as you walked in, you were greeted with a very nice waiter or waitress. They would greet you at a podium looking thing with a small succulent. The whole smelled like sweets, coffees and flowers. The booths were rather pleasing to the eye as the tables were white and the seats were a brown.

After awhile of silence, Togata spoke up. "So about that note. What was even on it?" Me and Amajiki's widened as he said that. I looked at Amajiki, desperate for him to help me out. "L-Look, maybe she doesn't want to talk about it. If she has this reaction then obviously she's not willing to talk about it," he said with a rather calm voice. Togata laughed loudly, gaining attention from the people around them. "Oh! How adorable. Anyways, I was thinking we could hang out often. You seem like you'd be a fun person to hang around once we break you out of that thick shell. Plus, I don't know if you heard me earlier, but my boi Tamaki needs some more friends." I simply nodded, looking up at the boys. There was nothing to talk about... "So... Togata, what's your quirk?" I looked over at him. "Please, call me Mirio and call him Tamaki. Especially since you'll be hanging out with us a lot." Man, I thought it'd be harder to get to hang out with The Big Three. Might be because of my quirk possibly..

"Permeation.. That's my quirk. It allows me to pass through physical matter. It's cool. Only downside is that my clothes sorta fall off when I'm wearing my normal ones. Wanna see?" Bruh. "No! I don't want to see!" I sighed then looking at Amajiki "What about you?" He looked a little nervous as he quietly muttered, "Manifest. I can turn into whatever I eat. Not completely, though. I normally eat Takoyaki since yknow, turning my hand into octopus tentacles is great. Not as great of a quirk as you or Mirio.." My quirk isn't even that good.. Ah, Tamaki looks sad. I should try cheering him up?? I don't know what to do in social situations.. "U-Um... If it ma-makes you feel any be-better I think your quirk is pretty cool." Tamaki looked at me. I quickly looked down. Oh no, did I piss him off?

We finally got our drinks. I sipped on mine, taking in the nice scenery. I've only ever been in here a couple of times. Soon, Mirio called over my mom. I couldn't help but to narrow my eyes, glaring at him. He awkwardly chuckled. He ordered something. It was obviously good since our drinks were still more than halfway filled.

What a weird group...


Hola! Sorry if it seems lazy! I want to try and squeeze something out as I myself am enjoying writing this and if anyone is reading this, I don't want to disappoint them :).

Apple Pie (Amajiki Tamaki x Reader) // Complete (Editing)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ