2am Fun Run

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'GET UP! EVERYONE UP NOW! LETS GO GO GO' all the older staff are shouting. I can see everyone getting out of bed including the 7 boys who are split between two rooms next to each other. they had ruffled hair and tired eyes just like everyone else. Most of the staff couldn't even be bothered to change out of there sleep wear. 'Listen up! Everyone will do a 7k run following the track to our left. This is to test you stamina and pacing ability! I will remain at the back and shout at the slackers. Please don't let that be you! Now let's go because I want to go to sleep!' They all set off groaning in the dark. Everyone has headlights on so they can see but they don't really help much on the slightly uneven paths along the fields and through the woods.

I'm keeping a steady pace at the back and we are not even half the way around when I see Yoongi struggling. He suddenly stops looking quite faint. I grab his arm and wrap it over my shoulder. 'I may be strict but I'm not going to kill you' I say helping him waddle along after seeing him try and move away from me, scared of my wrath. I yell a little to get his adrenaline going and slap his ass to forcefully push his body forward into a run. He is going at a good speed now and quickly looks back with a smile that was slightly confused by my casual touching of his butt.

I carry on and I can just see the finish line. One man next to me —the last one — suddenly stops and bends over to catch his breath. 'ARE YOU KIDDING!' I yell 'YOU CAN SEE YOUR GOAL AND YOU HAVE STOPPED! HOW PATHETIC!' I carry on yelling to try and get him to go and some of the others watch on with the staff. I move closer and before I knew it he suddenly straightens his back. I feel a punch directly on my cheek bone. I don't show any sign that I was in pain and I was too tired to pretend like it did as he stares at my face in shock of his own actions.

I knock him out in anger with one swift hit the the side of the head and drag his unconscious body by the collar to the finish. The guys watch as I stop at the end and turn to Liam. 'Get his stuff cleared and when he wakes up send him away.' He looks at me in concern but nods regardless. I walk towards my room and run into Jin. 'Miss are you ok?' He asks with deep concern. I can tell he didn't know what to do with his hands as he goes to move my hair out my face but retracts his hands again. He wanted to take my face in them and examine the cut on my cheek but stopped himself as well.

'I'm ok but can you do me a favour?'  'Anything' He replies. 'Do you mind helping me sort out the bruise? I lost my mirror a few days ago so I won't be able to see where I am hurt.' 'I can help you don't worry.' He smiles and I lead him to my room while everyone is shattered and going to sleep.

I open my door and we go inside. I get out my first aid bag and before I can tell him what to do, he sits me down on the bed and starts to clean the small bit of blood off my face. He is so gentle to not cause me pain and his warm breath calms me down as it fans my face...

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