Final test

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We all talk for a bit and my headache goes away. We leave my room and I gather the other two remaining recruits (obviously the one who tried to rape me was sent away). 'So this is your final test everyone. Are you ready recruits?' I say this as the sun sets behind me. They reply sternly 'YES MA'M!' I smirk and say 'then let's begin... I will be watching you very carefully throughout this test. I will be judging every step you take, every word you say and even the racing of your hearts' I giggle a little evilly and I spot Tae enjoying this different side of me as he bites his lip and looks me up and down. 'I will now hand over to corporal 1 who will explain your task.'

I leave abruptly and head to the look out tower where I can see everything and everyone. I wait for a bit while they prepare to start and finally the games begin. The test is the most difficult to pass. I know this because I made it and it is used for all the final stage recruits across the country. Anyway I am now watching the 9 recruits as they have started. I can sense a match has been lit under the 7 guys's butts after talking to me. They so desperately want to succeed so they can stay with me and it's kinda cute.

Anyway, they are all running around and completing tasks when I spot one of the recruits struggling. Thank god it isn't one of the BTS members. However this recruit is with Yoongi and is beginning to look very aggressive. I tell the corporal via our ear pieces that the recruit is eliminated. The corporal nods and breaks the news to the guy. His anger sores and he begins to lash out.

First he hits the corporal and then goes on to Yoongi. I am glad he is fighting back well as I call the guards to take the ex-recruit away. In a panic, I quickly grab my gun as I see the the man grab a knife from his pocket. Before he could get anywhere near Yoongi, I shot him in the head leaving everyone shocked. I say in my ear piece to the corporal, 'everyone is to carry on with the test except Yoongi, I can see from here he is not in a fit state to carry on. Besides, he has passed anyway. Send him to the first aid room and I will be with him shortly.'...

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