(REQUEST) kira (4) x reader

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title: psychopath

requested by @kiwipineapples

     Kira Yoshikage didn't think he could enjoy anything other than hands. It was always hands for him; the Mona Lisa, the girls at school, the teachers, the women at the library, the women at the coffee shops he frequented.

     But why were you intriguing him?

     Your hands were completely average. They weren't painted, nor did you wear moisturiser. They were just... hands.

Kira found himself looking everywhere else but your hands. He looked at your face, your eyes, your lips, your legs, your-

Just kidding. This isn't one of those stories.

Kira Yoshikage had just waltzed his way into this poor girl's apartment, and she was sat with her head in her knees, sobbing in the corner. He grinned evilly; she knew what was coming for her.

As he called out Killer Queen and prepared to grab her by the hand, a crash from behind averted his attention from the girl to whoever was behind him.

...oh. It was just you.

He'd forgotten that you'd insisted to be his partner in crime. After seeing his stand and almost being murdered by him, you had never stopped begging and nagging him to let you come along on his 'adventures'. You claimed that you were just as psychotic as him, and he didn't deny that.

So, eventually, he'd given in. And here you were, messing everything up. For, like, what, the fifth time this week? And it was only Wednesday.

"Shit. Sorry," you hissed, kicking a vase across the floor in slight frustration. "Carry on. Don't mind me."

The girl who was previously in front of Kira had now managed to escape, leaving Kira handless and murderless. He could feel his fingernails growing and his jaw clenching with frustration.

He sighed, more angrier than he usually was. "God dammit, (name). How many times have you done this now?"

You pulled up your hands and began counting on your fingers. "Eleven times."

"You're terrible at this."

"Thank you." Somehow, you had a proud smile on your face. You appeared to be quite happy with what you'd ruined for him.

Kira groaned once again. "This isn't a robbery. I don't need an evil sidekick. This is murder and I want hands."

"I know," you took an apple from her fruit bowl, knocked over from your dramatic entrance, "and I want to help you."

"You're not helping at all." He dusted off his hands and turned to look at you in the eye. Despite his face being quite intimidating, you maintained eye contact with a bright grin.

Your grin grew wider as you replied, "I do try, Yoshikage."

"Don't call me Yoshikage. It's Kira to you."

"Don't call me (name), then. It's (last name) to you."

His brow creased. "I can do whatever I want."

"And so can I." Your hands now rested on your hips cockily.

Kira pushed past you to leave. He scoffed as you refused to move with him. "That woman's probably gone and phoned the police. At least it was dark."

Finally, you skipped your way past him and out the door. "She could've been a stand user. She could've had night vision or some sort of name-seeing ability like in Death Note. Maybe she saw your face and has now reported it to the police."

     Kira chose to completely ignore you as he pushed past you and started walking down the girl's driveway. His car, with no number plate, was parked outside. Calmly, but still managing to slam the door, he got in and started the engine. He barely waited for you to get in before driving off.


     After about twenty minutes of driving, Kira finally pulled up at his house. He let out a long sigh and hit his head dramatically on the wheel.

     "Idiot," he muttered, "stupid girl."

     "I'm still here, you know."

     He jolted up, almost giving himself whiplash with how quickly he sat up straight. Kira ran a hand through his blond hair. "I hate you."

     You smiled smugly. "You love me really."

     "To be honest, I do feel like I love you."

     Kira immediately regretted saying that as soon as it escaped his head and came out of his mouth. He'd ruined everything now. And anyway - who'd want to go out with a serial murderer?

     "I suppose I feel the same about you," you replied, the smirk usually on your face now non existent, "I mean, why do you think I would've joined you on your adventures?"

     "I thought..." Kira was absolutely dumbfounded. "I thought you were a psychopath too. That's what you told me."

     You shook your head. "No. Well, I mean, yes, but... That isn't entirely the whole reason."

     He looked at you questioningly, as if asking you to elaborate.

     "I thought you were really handsome. I thought that your hair looked really cool. Even after you'd tried to murder me, I really liked you. And once I'd found out you were a stand user too, that was it. I knew I liked you." You wistfully gazed into his eyes as you told him your story. "You're really cool, Yoshikage."

     Kira uncharacteristically smiled. But only slightly.

     "Thank you," he whispered, "nobody's ever said that to me."

     You grinned and flung your arms around him. "You're welcome."

You bid farewell to him with a light peck on the cheek, letting your hand linger on his shoulder and run down his arm a bit just to tease him. "I'll see you tomorrow, Yoshikage."

Kira swore that his name had never sounded so nice coming from you. "Indeed," he whispered."

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