Chapter 15

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'What kind of security is this?!'
August was shouting in rage.
'One bye one we have lost three of them! What is the use of all these guards ,all this security?'
The news of V's murder came like raging storm. For all the emotions pent up in memeber's hearts burst out.
From seven to only four. Jim,Jay and moon were an emotional mess, but August was raging.
His questions were not wrong, given the top notch security and individual guards they still lost three of them.
The future of their band seemed dark.
But that was the last thing on their minds.
The managers, the staff, the guards and Ceo none of them could fathom how the killer was ahead of them all the time.
August seemed to have gone completely out of control with anger.
Moon tried to cool him off ,which worked as they both cried to their heart's content while hugging each other.
'This is not what I had thought our team would come to' Moon said between his hiccups.
'Its not our fault moon, we need to take care of Jim and Jay now' August tried to sound strong.
They both held onto their younger members and tried to give each other as much support as they could.
Leo was sure he was getting close to the culprit. But he was disappointed in himself for letting another life taken.
The members were in no condition to give any statements and Leo knew he didn't need anything else anymore. Even V's death had left behind a very strong evidence.
But he had to move fast, before he striked again.
The members were exhausted, heart broken and completely devastated after attending the funerals of their loved one's one after the other.
Jay went home with Moon, While August shared the ride with Jim.
'I can't believe I was'nt in the dorm when he left' Jim spoke softly looking out of the window.
'At least you knew you weren't there. I was still in the dorm when he left. How could have I been so careless' August heartbroken confession sounded angry yet full of pain.
Jim wanted to say something that could console August but no words formed.
Perhaps staying silent was the best choice for now.
They stopped at a pharmacy to get meds for Jim as he was feeling unwell.
August quietly waited for his return.
A phone started to ring, Jim had left his phone in the care.
August took a look at it and recognised the contact flashing on the screen.

🔮Answered the call

🔮Ignored for Jim to answer

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