10 || interview

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Hello Amelia!
Hey guys!

Now, Riverdale is coming back next week with season 3. You've been there since the very beginning, how does that make you feel?
Honestly? Kind of nostalgic. It's been an amazing journey, I've made so many amazing friends and memories and and I've definitely grown a lot as an actress.

It shows! What has been your favorite part of this journey?
I'm thankful for everything! I'm thankful for having met my best friends and my amazing boyfriend Isaac. I've grown from being the main character's sister to being at the center of the plot, becoming a distraught mother. And later on becoming a full on cult member as well. It's so fun to continuously get to see other sides of the multidimensional character that is Polly Cooper, and I can't wait to see what the writers have in store for her in the future.

You come from a big family of performers. Did that influence your career choice?
Well, yes and no. My father is an actor and my mom is a dancer and growing up both looked very appealing to me. I tried dancing for a couple of years but I hated how exhausting the practises were. Acting on the other hand seemed like a childhood dream; I mean, you could pretend to be someone else and lose yourself in a dream world. That was very interesting to me, but little did I know a day on set would be just as exhausting as the dance practises. But I didn't always want to be an actress, I actually planned to become a politician when I was younger. Then my older brother Romeo became an actor and politics just got too confusing (laughs).

Wow! Is everyone so talented?
They are! My younger sister Freya is an aspiring fashion designer currently working on her first clothing line at only 21. It's weird seeing your younger siblings be so successful, but I'm truly happy for her because she worked hard to get to where she is now. My twin brother Emil is a stunt coordinator, professional gymnast and occasionally acts, too. My older sister Josefine on the other hand is the only "normal" person in the family. We always joke about her being the black sheep, although I believe she's doing the most important work in the Ahlefeldt household. She's raising two wonderful boys back in Denmark.

Oh, you're Danish?
Half. My father is Danish and my mom is American, but I feel pretty close to the Danish culture and I try to go back to Copenhagen at least once a year.

Now, you've starred in a variety of movies and TV shows throughout the years, ranging from horror movies to teen dramas and rom-coms. What would you say is your favorite genre?
I don't think that some genres are better than others. Every genre has its advantages and disadvantages, but what I really liked about shooting horror movies is that you're adrenaline levels are constantly running high and you just feel powerful and motivated and productive, even when you're doing a 5 hour night shoot. And filming a horror movie and watching it are two vastly different things because when you're shooting it's all technical and not scary at all, because I actually don't handle scary movies very well, so filming has always been a much better experience. Doing dramas can be really cool too though, they feel much more real because they mimic real life events and sometimes you can just feel real life and fiction melt together.

Any future projects you can tell us about?
Well, I can't say too much but let's just say I'll be doing something I haven't done before and I'm really excited about it.

We'll be sure to keep an eye open for any announcements! Lastly, is there anything you want to tell aspiring actors?
I'd say to trust in the process and keep trying, even if at first you may not get the roles you want. It may sound cheesy, but just be patient and believe in yourself and good things will come your way.

Thank you so much for doing this interview!
Thanks for having me!

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