
9.5K 179 45

Jungkook: Little, ages 1-4

Taehyung: Caregiver, boyfriend

Rushed and not really proofread

Jungkook had a set of rules in littlespace.

1. No hitting anyone
2. No bad words
3. No candy if daddy doesn't say so
4. Always tell daddy when you're feeling little
5. No throwing or playing with food
6. Share your toys
7. When it's bedtime, it's bedtime
8. Never run up or down the stairs

Number 8 was an extremely important one. Jungkook had fallen once, and it had scared the living hell out of Taehyung. He had hoped that it wouldn't ever happen again, but luck wasn't on his side.

Jungkook had drawn his daddy a picture. Him being as excited as he was, picked it up and ran out of the play room. He wasn't paying attention and completely forgot about rule 8.

"Daddy wook at da dwawing!" Jungkook said making his way down the stairs.

"Be careful, baby." Taehyung said while watching him closely. Jungkook slipped on the 3rd step, turned his ankle a weird way, and fell down the steps. His back landed right on the hard floor, making him scream. Whenever he got hurt, he slipped deeper into littlespace. This made his pain tolerance lower.

Taehyung didn't hesitate at all to jump up and run to him. He picked him up in his arms and cradled him. He held Jungkook close to his body. Taehyung started tearing up because of the little in his arms crying. It was heartbreaking to listen to him wail like that. He knew he slipped to at the very most 2. If not that, then less.

Taehyung shushed his cries and whispered sweet nothings to calm him down. He rocked him until his wails died down to soft sobs.

He set him on the couch gently. Jungkook didn't want to let go and made grabby hands towards him.  Taehyung held his hands and tried to explain what he was doing in the best way possible.

"Daddy's checking for ouchies, bub. Where do you have an ouchie?" Taehyung asked. Jungkook pointed to his ankle. Taehyung took a look at it and it seemed to be only twisted. A huge wave of relief swept over him. Thank God it was only a twist. The bad part was his ankle looked painfully swollen. He wouldn't be able to walk properly for a few days.

Taehyung quickly ran upstairs to get the bandages for his ankle and an ice pack from the freezer after.

He wrapped his ankle up gently and placed the ice pack on after. The coldness of it made Jungkook whine. Little Jungkook never liked cold things.

"I know, baby. This will help you feel better, though."

Taehyung checked Jungkook's head to make sure there were no bumps and there was no blood. Nothing was wrong there. Jungkook was very lucky.

Taehyung got a blanket, Jungkook's pacifier, his stuffed dinosaur named Blue, and fixed up a baby bottle. Jungkook reaches for the baby bottle and Blue first. With the milk gone not long after having the bottle, he moved onto the blanket and paci. He covered himself, Taehyung, and Blue with the blanket. He didn't want either of them to get cold.

Taehyung smiled and kissed the crown of his head. Jungkook giggled and babbled behind his pacifier. Taehyung chuckled and gave Jungkook more kisses. Jungkook squealed happily and laughed.

Taehyung and Jungkook cuddled on the couch and didn't let go. Jungkook was feeling a lot better and Taehyung was more than glad that Jungkook wasn't more hurt than he was. He was extremely lucky he only got the wind knocked out of him while landing on his back and had a twisted ankle.

Jungkook fell asleep on Taehyung's chest and Taehyung fell asleep holding him.

Taekook OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon