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hi you guys!! i'm writing dw

but i need to rant about stranger things real quick, and yes this will contain spoilers if you haven't seen it so quickly click off if you need to


eddie's death was so heartbreaking for me, and i feel like quite a lot of other people too. like no one i've talked to has ever been like "i hated eddie"
he was such a loveable character and i feel like his death was rushed and very unnecessary. not to mention the plot holes it has?? like it was last minute and not needed.

i'm also very confused on the different info i've heard about this??

there are literally no words to describe how sad i was when i saw such a loved character dying. like the entire 4th season was "we can't let eddie be hurt, taken, etc. we have to protect him"

and then they just kill him. and it felt very contradicting to the plot they had going honestly. the only ones that really showed they cared after he died was his uncle and dustin. and i get they probably put it in there for dustin's character development like they did w max and billy's death, but other characters could've been used for that, that would've impacted dustin a lot more. not to mention the amount of times they just skim over everyone's trauma. like if eddie's death was needed for that then i hope they stop going "oh they watched that character die in front of them? not that bad" and they just don't talk about it or mention it for the rest of the season.

i think they did a good job regarding max's trauma and how billy's death impacted her in season 4 bc i was rlly worried when i finished season 3 that they weren't gonna address it (bc they usually don't) but they did, and that's great. but i'm wondering why it was needed for dustin bc i feel like he didn't need that significant impact on him?? like his character was pretty developed but to each their own

i'm just hoping they pull a hopper/will, like when we thought they were dead but turns out later they weren't, (more of a hopper but if we wanna be specific then when will's body was fake and we didn't know it yet)
but i also don't know how they're gonna make eddie not go to jail/not guilty if he is alive. if he is they're gonna have to make him run away or something bc literally everyone in hawkins thinks he killed chrissy and the others.

eddie's death just felt so rushed and last minute, and if you're just as much as a stranger things and eddie fan as i am, then you'll probably read this and 100% agree. it was just unnecessary and kind of inconvenient for the later season bc of the plot holes they left. like how are they gonna address those? im seriously considering not even watching season 5 bc of this, like for real. it was just not needed at all.

thank you for listening to my rant if you did! i'll post when i can, and ik this is a bts oneshot book but we all have our likes and dislikes and stranger things is just one of my other likes (probably my dislikes now bc my favorite character fucking died)

sorry for any typos i'm very passionate abt this.

anyway, stay safe ily guys
don't die like eddie did <3

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