"You're perfect, baby"

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Taehyung: little, ages 2-4

Jungkook: Caregiver, boyfriend

WARNINGS: Mentions of slight self harm, body image issues, and self esteem issues!

Not proofread

Taehyung stares in the mirror that was upstairs in his and Jungkook's shared room. Jungkook was at work, so Taehyung had a lot of time to himself.

His eyes were making their way down his body. He started at his face. Ugly.
His eyes went down to his stomach, collar bones, and torso. Ugly.
His eyes went down his legs and his intentional and unintentional scars on his body, including the stretch marks on the inside of his thighs. So fucking ugly.

He grabbed a small knife and held it to his stomach. Will his daddy love him more if he did this?
He'll think he's finally pretty, right?
He'll think he's a good boy, right?
He'll think he's skinny, right?
He'll think he's good enough... right?

He pressed down harder. It was just enough to draw a bit of blood. And right when he was about to drag it across his skin, Jungkook had walked in.

"Taehyung, no!" He yelled. He ripped the knife out of his hand.

"What were you going to do with this?" Jungkook questioned, obviously concerned.

"I's thought chu would wub me mowe if i's did it," Taehyung replied quietly. Tears stung his eyes.

"Don't do that to yourself, Tae. It's dangerous. Daddy already loves you so much. And he wouldn't trade you for anyone or change you at all."

Taehyung sniffled. "Weawwy?"

"Really. I love you, bub."

"I's wub chu, too daddy." Jungkook and Taehyung hugged each other tightly; both somewhat afraid to let go.

"Let's get that cleaned up, hon." Jungkook spoke after the long hug. He led Taehyung to the bathroom and cleaned up the wound on his stomach. He put a dinosaur band-aid on it and pecked his stomach, making Taehyung giggle. He pecked his stomach a few more times, which made the little giggle more. Jungkook smiled and looked into Taehyung's eyes after. He leaned into Taehyung's soft, sweet lips. They stopped when they couldn't hold their breath anymore.



"You're perfect, baby."

Short, but was kinda fun and quick to write. The only part that wasn't fun was making Tae do that. Ily guys a lot. Don't ever do that to yourself please. And I know this sounds cliche, but I promise, you aren't alone. Someone somewhere is going through the same stuff as you. And I promise, it'll work out in the end. Just remember that your friends and family members care greatly about you. And I don't know a lot of people who read this book, but I care. I care a lot. Ily again. Stay strong, safe, and positive. I wish you guys luck with whatever you're going through. 💜💜

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