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I have a bone to pick with some of you.

Ah.. how to word this...

So some of you really just.. skip a chapter or even a story because it doesn't fit what you, personally, want? I'm talking completely skipping stories that have bottom Tae or bottom Kook because you think one of them should solely be the top or the bottom in the relationship. 

You are allowed to not read it, of course. But some people really have the audacity to go in the comments and say "this one doesn't sit right with me.. SKIP"

Not every chapter isn't made specifically FOR YOU. It isn't made just for ONE person. It's made for a general audience. Stop commenting you're gonna sit this chapter out because of your preference, it's not cute. Just simply skip it with no comment. 


I'm fed up with people favoring one member of BTS over the others. Jungkook, specifically.


I've just had LOTS of run-ins with JK stans and some of you might've had run-ins with Jimin stans but right now I'm gonna focus on my experiences.

Just some tea and shade to the people that cancel the others out and treat this one member like a God. ALL of them work hard! All of them are talented! All of them are precious and beautiful! Please stop completely forgetting about the others, all of them have worked so hard to be where they are now. 

I've come across some very aggressive JK stans, some of them even being Taekook shippers, and they go "nah I don't really like Tae... but JUNGKOOK-"


Stop it.

It's all or nothing, love. You can't pick and choose. Especially when you're a person who ships them? Like? Taehyung is part of the story and you're just gonna- not give Taehyung some love too? 

You all are allowed to have a bias, but please don't forget about the others. They all need support.

And don't even get me STARTED on people who are OT6-

I cannot STANDDDD those nasty ass disrespectful ass hoes. 


thank you for coming to my TED talk. Goodbye :)

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