Hearing Aids

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Fluff ☁️

Taehyung: emotionally the bottom, not-yet-friend/acquaintance, not-yet-boyfriend
Jungkook: emotionally the top, not-yet-friend/acquaintance, not-yet-boyfriend

sign language dialogue will be in bold

"You... left... your hearing aids here," Jungkook hesitantly signs.
"Oh! Thank you so much!" Taehyung signs back.

Jungkook has a very big problem. He has a crush on someone that comes in the cafe. The problem? He never talks to him.

He definitely observes from a distance, and he thinks he's so pretty. He just never talks, and he doesn't know why. He asked around to other people who have taken his order, and they've all confirmed he just orders on his notes app on his phone. Every order is the same. A blueberry muffin with a hot chocolate. He memorized it very quickly because he never ordered a coffee, even though it was a coffee house. He wishes he could take his order, but he's fine just stealing glances from across the room as he wipes tables.

And in he came on a dreary Thursday afternoon, Jungkook the only one working the register because others were off in college classes or stuck at home busy. He liked it at his job so he didn't mind. His heart races, happy he finally gets to take his order.

"My name is Jungkook, what can I get for you?" He smiles, asking politely. Taehyung hands him the phone, looking around the small cafe as if he hadn't ever been there before. The younger assumes he's just observing.

"Ah, of course. The usual," he says, but his mask is up and Taehyung can't see what he's saying. The barista expects at least a slight laugh but all he gets is a confused look. He takes back his phone that was on the counter and types something quickly.

"I'm sorry, did you say something? If you were I have to see your lips,"

Jungkook makes an "ah" sound, asking for the phone back by holding out his hand and typing something in return.

"Just saying it was your usual. Why do you need to see my lips if you don't mind me asking?"

"I'm deaf," he wrote back. Jungkook's eyes widen.

"Deaf?" He signs. The other just looks confused but also surprised.

"You sign?"

"I don't know a lot, but I'm... taking," he stops to think about the sign he has to do, "yeah, taking classes. I look up things online too,"

"Cool! I'm so glad you know some sign language, it gets frustrating communicating over an app sometimes,"

Jungkook signs 'communicating' back, not knowing what it is. He asks him for an answer, to which Taehyung just finger spells it.

"Oh! I bet. Anyway, here's your... order. Thank you for coming,"


Jungkook smiles to himself, happy with how the conversation went and thanking himself for not giving up on the sign language class when it got frustrating to him.

Taehyung, who sits with his muffin and hot chocolate, is blushing some; glad he finally got to talk to the cute guy that never took his order before.

Jungkook is busy with other customers and cleaning up different tables and Taehyung is busy with college work.

He takes out his books and laptop, setting them down and getting ready. He suddenly hears a static sound, then a voice saying his batteries in his hearing aids were low. He didn't have any extras on him, though. He curses mentally, taking them out and setting them aside so he wasn't bothered by the noises.

He quickly finishes up some assignments, leaving a tip for the barista and throwing his empty cup and wrapper away before packing his stuff up and going.

He ends up leaving his hearing aids behind.

Luckily, Jungkook goes over to pick up the tip and spots them before they could've gotten lost. He puts them in his pocket and walks out to see how far away the male is, but it's too late. He decides he'll keep them safe until he comes back.

Taehyung gets home, sighing and rubbing his tired eyes and scratching the back of his head. He goes behind his ears, eyes widening when he realizes what he's left behind.

How could he be so stupid?? He was so stressed over school work he left his hearing aids behind? Those were so expensive, and he curses mentally and hopes they were safe. The cafe was closed by now. There was no way he was getting them back until tomorrow.

From what he saw, it looked like Jungkook was the only one on shift. Could he have noticed them and kept them safe? He really hopes so. He just hopes he can get them back.

Jungkook opens his eyes slowly, alarm going off. He shuts it off and gets up to get ready for work. He has the opening shift, and he hopes Taehyung will come in today to get his hearing aids. He's replaced the batteries, he had turned them on accidentally when they were in his pocket and he discovered the batteries were almost dead.

He made a late night trip to a local store, ending up lucky by finding the last pack of what he needed to buy. He takes this as a good sign.

He throws on his apron, putting the hearing aids in the front pocket and heading off to work.

It's always busy in the morning, so he's taking orders while 2 others are there with him, either cleaning up tables or taking orders as well. Jin and Namjoon are their names, and he knows they've both taken Taehyung's order before. He filled them in on the situation as they were all opening and getting ready.

And, speaking of Taehyung, he walks in not long after it opens; looking frantic and worried. Jin tells Jungkook, and Jungkook waves to get his attention to bring him over to one of the empty counters.

"You... left... your hearing aids here," Jungkook hesitantly signs.

"Oh! Thank you so much!" Taehyung signs back, "I was hoping you had them. These are so expensive,"

"I figured, and I... replaced the batteries. Noticed they were almost dead,"

"You didn't have to, but thank you,"

"It's really no problem," he smiles.

"My name is Taehyung, by the way," he introduces himself.

"I know, I took your order," Jungkook signs back, laughing with him.

"Oh! Right, sorry. I was so frantic this morning I completely forgot,"

"It's okay, my name is... Jungkook," he finger spells it, "it's nice to meet you."

"Likewise! I love your hair color,"

Jungkook looks confused over the sign color, asking him to finger spell it.

"Ah! Thank you! I'm sorry I don't know some of the signs, sometimes my brain just forgets some,"

"It happens a lot and it's okay, don't worry," he replies, brushing it off.

"Hey, Jungkook! Stop flirting and get back to work! We're busy!" Jin yells from the front. Jungkook makes a sound under his breath and laughs.

"My coworker said to get back to work so I'll talk to you later. Can I take you out sometime? Get something to eat?" He proposes the idea he's been wanting for months.

"Actually, yes! I would love that. Here's my number," he takes a napkin and writes it down with Jungkook's pen, "send me a text!"

"Of course! Bye, Taehyung,"


Jungkook really thinks this could go somewhere, and little does he know, Taehyung does too.

Taekook Oneshotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن