t w e n t y - e i g h t

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'cause our love's the only thing
that could m a t t e r . . .


I had already downed two glasses of champagne in honor of the newlyweds by the time I was supposed to make my speech. I told myself I started drinking heavily early on for the sake of celebrating, but really I was nervous as fuck.

The ceremony ended within thirty minutes. There was a cocktail hour for the guests and a family photoshoot for the rest of us, dinner was served at seven, then my dad kicked off the speeches once everyone had gotten their food. The man was a natural at public speaking, and it was a guarantee at any family function that he'd get up to "say a few words" as he liked to call it. I wished he passed that gene onto me. Sadly, I was just a fumbling, flushing idiot and alcohol did not help the situation.

After Keone sailed through his best man speech, every word rolling off his tongue as if they were lines in a script he memorized, it was my turn. Collin caught me before he went into the ballroom for cocktail hour and told me that out of all my bad ideas he'd seen throughout our friendship, giving a drunk Maid of Honor speech was the worst one of all. Especially that it wasn't for just any wedding, but for Sutton's wedding.

I kept that in mind, I did, but it slipped out when I toasted to both my dad and Keone's speeches. By then, it was too late to go back. Drinking was the only way I could get myself to come to terms with the idea of being the center of attention in a roomful of too many people that I personally knew.

Keone sat down in his seat next to mine and I plucked the microphone from his fingers. He was smirking at me confidently as if it was a silent challenge to top his speech. Or it was him trying to picture me naked. Either way, I wanted to vomit.

It felt like all the bubbles from the champagne I had drifted up into my head when I stood. I couldn't have been more grateful to be barefoot still or else I already would have tumbled to the floor if I was in heels. The fairy lights hanging from the rafters and flickering tiki torches were vibrating. My breathing that echoed into the mic sounded like I had been underwater for a year and just now came up for air.

Sutton, Koa, and all the guests for the Makana wedding were staring at me. Waiting, smiling in anticipation, wondering what I was doing. Frankly, I was wondering the same thing.

All the bullet points and abbreviated, gibberish words in the notes of my phone evaporated, just like that into thin air. Partially tipsy and mostly anxious, I'd forgotten everything I wanted to say. Somehow I figured that would be better, so it came straight from the heart and my fuzzy mind instead of some pre-written nonsense I knew I'd royally mess up.


My voice ricocheted off the walls and I hadn't realized I even opened my mouth. Both of my hands were on the shaft of the mic, squeezing it like a stress ball. It was a weak start, but at least I got through the first word.

"I'm Bayla, Sutton's younger sister, and that had always been a title that kind of suited me perfectly. I never really had a problem with it, except for when people would confuse us which doesn't make much sense to me because we are so entirely different," I chuckled as I stole a glimpse down at my sister. She was grinning up at me, leaning into Koa's side as he had an arm around her, twiddling with his fingers that hung over her shoulder. In particular, his left ring finger that had now been accented with a wedding band.

"Sutton is many things. She's a force to be reckoned with. She can walk into any room and have all eyes on her without even saying a word. She's dramatic, and neurotic, and frustrating sometimes... but I say all of this with love because as much as she is all of those things, she's also kind. She's someone who will listen to your problems any time of day... or at least pretend to listen," I said, which got a few laughs from the guests. Thankfully, she was still smiling at me when I looked at her again. "She has the most determination out of anyone I've ever known. She's a lover, she's a fighter... and most importantly, now she's a wife.

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