[Preview] •03•

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Keith lazily made his way towards the outside of the building. His back was killing him all day. Not to mention he was on his way to go pay for Lances meal.

Why can't this pooch just wait until the alphas must hunt again later today? Lance was demanding, felt he needed to be treated almost like a princess. Sure acted like one.

"Mullet, finally! I thought for a second you were trying to skip out on our deal." Rolling his eyes in annoyance, Keith strolls past the smirking Latino.

"Unlike some people, I own up to my promises instead of being a wuss." Lance almost jumped back, with his fingertips placed on his chest and an insulted look spread across his face.

"Who's a wuss!?"

"This annoying wolf I know."

"Oh yeah? How convenient, I know also know an annoying wolf. They like to shop at hot topic and somehow haven't grown out of their emo phase but more like, evolved it." Keith chuckled, glancing over his shoulder.

"Really? Well, some how the wolf I know still whines like a five year old and kicks and screams when they don't get what they want. Not mention quite the god complex." Lance rolls his eyes while muttering out 'ha ha'

"Aren't you just hilarious?" Lance says in a sarcastic manner.

"Thanks, it's one of my best qualities. Which aren't many." Lance squints questioningly at him.

"It's hard to insult you if you do it to yourself." Keith winks at lance while pointing a finger gun.

"That's the point."

"That's not.. ok whatever you say pal. I just want my food." With that, they head off to the nearby food court.


I know this is HELLA short but uh, I wanted to get SOMETHING out for this fanfic since it start getting attention outta know where lmao? So this is only a preview for chapter three but yeah. Enjoy :>

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