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Keith stayed grumpy the entire ride. Staring out the window as Panic! At the Disco blasted his ear drums.

Lance just gazed at the boys black mullet with a small grin. He'd never fully admit it but, he found Keith adorable when he is being a sore loser. Or just angry over something ridiculous.

Finally the bus came to a hault as the two gathered their things. Waving goodbye to one another they headed off to their respective classes.

Lance wanted to be a fashion designer. His first class of the day was a sewing type class. Where he'd learn how to make, measure, sew, and everything else with clothing.

Keith wasn't really sure what he wanted to do with his life. He isn't studying for anything specific. Nothing has really driven him or inspired the mullet to pursue anything.

Slouching down into his seat Keith let's out a hefty sigh.

"Lance beat you again?" Pidge said as they laid their laptop down onto the table.

"Shut. Up." Pidge and Keith are closer than you'd think. Than most people think. Everyone assumes they only associate with each other because of Lance but they do it on their own free will.

Pidge is like keiths nonbiological sibling. Keith would stab anyone who tries to hurt them.

Pidge would back hand anyone willing to damage Keith. They don't show it really at all, but they do care for each other.

"You know," Pidge shifts around in their seat taking a quick sip of their coffee, "You're basically stuck with the guy now. Isn't that good for you? I mean. You like the knuckle head after all."

Having Lance as a mate was like being bitch slapped by Cupid.

Keith has been crushing on the annoying, flirtatious Cuban since they met. It's like Keith's world was just shades of black and gray.

Keith isn't originally from their pack. He was taken in by shiro after Adam found him in a nearby river.

Everyone took pity on Keith.

His parents were no where to be seen.

He was this small, scrawny alpha who could barely hold himself up let alone catch a rabbit.

And he didn't talk. Keith refused to talk to anybody and nobody was willing enough to make or attempt to start a conversation. They all called him "Pup" since he'd never tell them his name.

That was until, Lance.


"Why do you sit alone?" The brown haired boy questioned. Keith didn't say anything.

He was currently hugging his legs to his chest. Isolating himself inside a log. Another wolf was crouching in front of the entrance.

"I know you aren't mute." Keith huffed, refusing to have any sort of communication. Almost trying to tell the kid to just 'give it up it isn't happening.'

"You know, I always wonder what it would be like if I didn't have anyone." Keiths eyes trailed up to the now small boy sitting in front of his log.

"It's cold. Dark. Really scary. I don't like it. People think if you rely on someone it makes you weak. I think you're just trying to make yourself stronger. I don't know you. I'm not sure what happened to you. But. If I can keep you from feeling lonely even if I'm just sitting here, not speaking. I'll do it. If it'll make you happy for me to leave I will. Nobody deserves to be alone." Than, the smile. The one Keith will never forget. A big toothy grin. For him.

Standing up, Lance dusts off his baby blue shorts stretching.

"Well, If you ever want someone to talk to my offer is always there." Turning to walk away, Lance starts heading off.

That was, until Keith stopped him.

He quickly stood up dashing out of the log, gripping lances hand.

Looking back Lance was face to face with a pale skinned, black haired, blue with gray tinted eyed boy. A single band-Aid lads across his nose.

"K..Keith. My name." Lance lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Wow! What a pretty name!" Keith flushes a light red.

"I'm Lance. Want to be friends?" Keith hesitated before forming a small grin.

"I'd like that.."


Pidge flicks keiths forehead snapping him out of his flashback.

"Remember some cute cliche shit with Lance I presume?" Grinning widely, Keith slouches back into his seat.

"You bet your ass it was." Sighing sarcastically, they turn back to their computer muttering 'Whateverrrr'

Chuckling, Keith opens his phone checking his social media's. Well, the ones Lance forced him to get. Calling him an 'uncultured swine' when he said he didn't have any.

Opening Snapchat he saw he'd received a snap from lance. Tapping on it it's a selfie with the caption. 'Rematch after school? Unless you're afraid you'll lose again~"

Laughing to himself Keith snaps a picture of himself typing in, 'You're on pretty boy."

Sending it and not even a second later he gets a response.

'Awww you think I'm pretty?'

Keith knew it was a joke but his face still flushed a bright rosey red.

'Shut up'

With that Keith stuffs his phone into his pocket and waved goodbye to pidge as he heads to class.


Sorry that this one is super short I just wanted to bring this fanfic back to life lmao. Also apologies for any typos.

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