24 | Hope Is Coming

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"I had a long talk with Fred and since I think I'm ready to settling in with him ...." Oh, I like where this is going already.

"I want my home back," I smiled at both of them.

"So you wish to have your family estate back, Lady Dolores?" She was speechless.

"I guess I am," I turned to Fred.

"Did you tell her about our plan?" Fred shakes his head.

"What plan?" Dolores asked, curious.

"I always hope that you would come back and take your place as one of Gralia's nobility, Dolores. We can't simply wipe your family off of the history of our empire. Your ancestor along with mine was the who created this empire," I guess there is no harm in telling her my plan.

"Now that you wish to take your place and be the head of the Knight family, I'm guessing you'll be running a duchy again," her eyes widen. Please don't tell me she didn't think of being a duchess.

"But ... I thought Grand Duchess Annabelle took over my duchy," I smiled.

"That is true. She did. But I didn't mean your old duchy. I'm planning to create a new duchy. The people who will be residing in your duchy will be a refugee and those who came from the free city. Your story will be known to the world, Dolores. You'll be my voice when it comes for them to wish to have freedom," Dolores was taken aback.

"You mean you'll protect those who manage to escape from the Resistance clutches and place them in my duchy? Are you willing to take the risk? You are well aware that the lord who manages the free city is in cahoots with the supreme leader of the Resistance," I nod my head she expressed her concerns.

"You don't have to worry about that. I will assure that your safety and those who live in your duchy will be secure. Besides, Fred will be there with you when he's not working in the palace," Fred nods as well.

"But how do you know there is someone who wishes to escape from the Resistance? They choose this path themselves. Why would they try to escape?" Maybe it's time to reveal what I've been doing in dealing with this group.

"We sent a team of reconnaissance and acted as a family who believes in the Resistance supreme leader belief. Unfortunately, the real mastermind never shows themselves yet. We have no idea who and why they create an organisation that rebels against the empire," and it pains me that some of the soldiers who went inside never came home in the end.

But Dolores doesn't have to know that part.

"Wait, so you've been tracking heir progress in the shadows?" I nod.

"Alvia's concerns about the youth who was born without freedom in such harsh environment made us do what we can to help. We will try our best to help them when the time is right," Dolores turned to face me.

"When the time is right? What does he mean by that?" She asked.

"The land that they're currently inhabitants belongs to Abella's family. The leader thought that the land wasn't occupied but it is. And since Abella's is now the member of the royal family, as the emperor I have the right to claim that land as the property of Gralia. Meaning I have the power to arrest those who reside in the vicinity of that very land," I was shocked when Abella told us about this.

"What will you do to those who revolt against you helping them?" Dolores asked such an important question. Honestly, I never thought of it yet. But if it really comes for me to decide...

"Those who revolt will be sent to prison for treason against the throne. Either they choose to do community work or stay in jail it's their choice," Dolores sigh heavily.

"You guys really thought of this thoroughly huh?" Fred and I both nod our head.

"To be honest, at first we didn't want to cause more trouble than we had in the past. But after the recent recon mission, we learnt that they were a group of youth that wants to revolt against their supreme leader." That gained Dolores's attention.

"And I'm sure if the supreme leader keeps up with the way they do things now, soon even those who initially thought that the Resistance has better vision than what I had planned for my empire will revolt against their own belief,"

"And that's when we strike the final blow," Fred assured her partner.

"So, Lady Dolores. Are you with us or not? If it's too much for you to handle, we'll understand," Dolores was in deep thought when Kathryn walks into the lounge.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know that ..." I raised my hand and patted the space next to mine.

"Dolores, meet my fiancée, Kathryn. Kathryn, this is Dolores Knight, Fred's girlfriend and my childhood friend," Kathryn offered her hand for Dolores to shake.

"You seems familiar for some reason,"

"I feel the same way. Have you ever went to the free city and had had a meal or two at Knight's Restaurant?" Kathryn's eyes widen.

"My mother used to work there!" What a small world. They talk animatedly for a second before Dolores face me.

"Alvia, I made up my mind. I will help you with your plan. Count me in," I'm happy to hear that. Wait, why is Kathryn here?

"Why are you here?" I asked the lady.

"Oh! The duchess told me that the press conference is ready for us. She asked me to come to fetch you," Oh! The announcement. I excuse myself from my guests and went to the conference room where it is filled with a news reporter and even magazine editors.

Let's get this over with.

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