Chapter Thirty One

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Guess who's back to rip out your feelings and-

I mean hi guys. Missed you all :3

Hope you're still reading this and sorry it's been so dang long. Working on doing better with updates.

No really. I promise.


The night started to settle over the city as Magatron drove and gripped the wheel tightly, he had to find them. He yelled angrily as he pulled to the side and smacked the wheel. He didn't even know where to look. He buried his face in his hands as he tried not to fall apart. He felt as though he had already failed Beta, the same way he had failed everyone else. He jumped as he heard a gunshot and glanced around. He saw a man lowering his arm as he stared at a dead woman on the sidewalk. The mafia leader watched intently as the man looked to the sky and said something. He then glanced around and walked off into the night. Megatron's eyes widened a little as he recognized the man. Barricade.

"So, you are alive." The ex mafia leader growled to he watched him. He slowly got out and followed the man, making sure to stay in the shadows. He called the police to the young woman's location but didn't give any information on himself or the shooter. Not yet anyway.

He continued to follow and they ended up in Kaon. Megatron paused and slowed as he glanced around. There was a building there that was run down and he realized it was the Nemesis. Barricade had attempted to rebuild it. He stared at the old and dark building that had once been his home. It looked so horrible and he watched as Barricade entered the unstable building. Megatron slowly followed and listened as the walls and structure groaned. He knew this place could fall down with a good gust of wind. He glanced to the man who was headed to the elevator and he hid as he watched and waited. He was surprised that the elevator worked and stared as he went towards the top. He frowned and waited for a few minutes before looking around once more. He didn't think going up the elevator was a good idea. He figured he should leave, but something told him to go up there.

Barricade sighed and sat at his desk then glared as Shockwave worked. He wanted the tower to be brand new but also wanted to work in it. The scientist had said it was illogical, but he was the leader and knew better. Though now he was thinking that this was a bad idea. Of course he'd never say it out loud now. He got up and went to a side door then unlocked it and yanked it open. Steeljaw winced at the light and looked to the man as he shook from the cold.

"Hello young heir." Barricade sneered and walked over then grabbed him by the hair and dragged him out. He shoved him to the ground as the young man coughed and shivered. "What to do to you today?" He smirked as he went to his desk.

Steeljaw didn't respond as he lay there and stared blankly. He felt forgotten by his family and felt his hope slipping away. The villain came back and narrowed his eyes as he gripped his hair and made him look up at him.

"I could always blind you." He sneered and held a knife in his other hand. "That sounds fun." The crazed man grinned as he brought the knife to his cheek. The door burst open, making everyone jump in surprise. Megatron stood there and took in the situation in a split second.

Without hesitation he whipped out his gun and shot Barricade in the shoulder. He then whipped around and shot Shockwave in the knee. He made sure the two were down and walked over. He kicked Barricade away and threw his knife out the broken window. He knelt down by his son and carefully wrapped his coat around him then held him close. Seeing his little boy in his arms.

"Is this one of... those shoot first ask later routines?" Barricade gasped as he looked at the ex-mafia leader. Megatron glared and kicked the man in the shoulder where he shot him. The villain cried out and gripped his arm as he growled angrily.

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