Chapter Sixteen

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*Warning* Violence and abuse. I'm not getting into much details to spare you. Just because.


The new addition to the team looked around the area as he went to the living quarters. He raised an eyebrow as he looked to the other three men following him. Kaon kept a hand on the giant wolf as they walked. The beast growled threateningly at the stranger. Thinking he was too close to his master for his comfort.

"Tell me Kaon, are you blind?" The man asked bluntly and raised an eyebrow. The team stopped suddenly and looked at the newcomer, each with a dangerous expression.

They may have been ruthless, but they were protective over each other. Kaon stiffened and stopped walking, while the wolf growled and seemed to grow tense as well.

"Yes. Does that bother you?" He asked with venom as he turned to his voice. "My seeing wolf will rip you to shreds if I so choose." He said coldly. The group was silent and the man smirked cockily before laughing a little.

"I wouldn't want to offend you." He said and walked further into the living area. Kaon narrowed his eyes and Tarn gripped his shoulder.

"Patience. If we need to take him out we will. And it won't be pleasant for him." He whispered. The man nodded slowly and Vos glanced at the two before following.

As they opened the door, they heard Nickel yelling at Tesarus for something he did, or didn't do. She then stormed off towards the kitchen, but stopped when she saw them.

"Oh well look who decided to show up." She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "You're lucky I didn't decide to skip dinner altogether. It's on the table but probably stone cold at this point. Because somebody!" She said and glared at Hexes. "Decided we had to have dinner now and not wait for anyone." She said in exasperation. "Honestly I don't know why I bother!" She shouted as she threw her hands in the air.

"My my my. Isn't she a handful. Tell me Tarn, why do you keep the little brat? Surely-" He stopped since he could no longer breathe. Tarn had grabbed him by the neck and slammed him into the wall.

"We don't need to tell you about our backgrounds nor anything else. Just get the job done." He spat and shoved him to the ground. The man coughed and looked at him with excitement. Almost a crazed expression.

"This will be fun." He said as he got up and watched the leader. Tarn didn't respond and introduced everyone to the man.

Nickel fell silent and stared at the newcomer. She didn't say anything and almost seemed, uncomfortable. The young woman watched as he shook their hands. He came to her and she tensed as she kept her hands close to her.

"What's the matter little imp?" He asked as he smiled a little, though it seemed more like a predators smile.

"I'm germaphobic to anyone not on the team." She hissed trying to hide how she really felt. The man stared at her then laughed as he gently smacked her shoulder. She winced and wanted to curl up somewhere. She hated feeling vulnerable.

"I see why you keep her around. Such a firecracker." He laughed. "I bet you're a good maid as well. I'd love t-" Nickel slapped him hard across the face as she glared darkly. Partially to feel less weak and because she wanted to.

The others blinked in surprise and looked at their leader. She stood taller and huffed angrily before storming off to the kitchen. Tarn watched her with a ghost of a smile on his face.

"Careful what you say around her. She bites more than Pet." He said seriously and motioned for his men to follow. They left to get ready for their mission with the man.

Terminated Transformers Prime AU (Book 3)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin