Chapter Two

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Optimus invited his friend and his family to come over for dinner. Megatron agreed and took them there. He sat on the couch and stared blankly as Ashley spoke with Elita and held the baby. He watched his family and his heart fell as it broke. Steeljaw was eating as he swung his feet and talked to Bulkhead. He was smiling. Megatron watched him as tears filled his eyes. There was so much pain in his home.

But here they were happy and could eat without worry. He looked at his wife and saw her smiling while the baby laughed happily. Megatron stared at his hands and choked back a sob as he thought. He knew what he had to do but didn't like it. Yet if he didn't they would die and his guilt would kill him.

He felt conflicted and jumped when something touched his leg. He looked down and saw little Arcee. She looked up at him as she sucked her thumb and smiled. The one year old squealed happily and tried to stand as she gripped his leg. He smiled a little as Steeljaw ran over and tried to get on his father's lap. He picked him up and hugged him tightly.

"Remember that I love you." He whispered quietly and kissed his forehead. "No matter what... Daddy loves you." He muttered as a tear fell down his face.

"Daddy... why you sad?" Steeljaw asked as he looked up at him. The small boy gasped and gripped his father's face. "No tear. Bad tear." He pouted cutely and wiped them away. Megatron smiled a little then hugged him tightly. He loved his family so much. He had to do this.

Once they got home and put the children to bed, Megatron sat on the couch and stared blankly at the wall. There was a knock on the door and he slowly went to answer it. A woman stood there and folded her arms.

"I just wanted you to know that I'm having a party tonight." She said. "I don't want your family disturbing me." She muttered bitterly.

"I promise we won't." He said without any emotion. "I'm quite busy Mrs Johnson." He said seriously and went to close the door.

"Listen..." she whispered and he stopped suddenly. "You've been a good neighbor, for the most part. I'm moving out of this wretched building and into a nice neighborhood. You're welcome to-" She stopped suddenly as she heard his children coughing violently in the background.

"What's wrong? Are they sick?" She asked quickly and lookedat him. Megatron sighed shakily and nodded slowly.

"Yes... I... I can't take them to the hospital..." he mumbled. "I can't afford to pay-"

"What kind of father are you?!" She snapped angrily and glared at him. He blinked in surprise and looked at her.

"I... I'm still-"

"Do you think love will heal them?!" She screamed. "How could you be so selfish and let them die? If you were a good person you would send them somewhere to get help." She spat. He just stared at her blankly as her words cut him like knives.

"But you clearly aren't as good of a man as you claim." She growled lowly and walked away. He just stood there and watched her go then slowly closed the door. He heard the baby cough and start to cry. Was he really as bad as she said?

He looked at the table at a bunch of mail then picked up a notice. They were being evicted and he had a week. He set it down and fought back tears of pain. He saw a rat run into the kitchen and he snapped. He picked up a chair and threw it at the creature.

"No! I won't let you make them sicker!" He shouted angrily as he tried to kill the animal. "You won't touch them!" He yelled as he beat it with the broken chair.

He slowly stopped as he realized he killed it. He panted quietly and jumped when something touched his shoulder. He looked up and saw Ashley. He dropped his weapon then hugged her tightly as he sobbed uncontrollably. She was surprised to see her warrior suddenly break down. She hugged him and looked away from the mess.

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