Chapter Twenty

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The room was silent except for the quick beeping of the heart monitor. Ratchet stared at the man that stood by the now closed door, he was convinced the man was going to kill him. The doctor knew he wasn't dead, and the mafia leader couldn't have him telling anyone else. Megatron could see the fear and worry in the doctors eyes and face. He glanced to the door and smiled a little. A kind and inviting smile.

"Piper is a wonderful girl... my daughter, Baylee and her friend Brooke... they're all friends..." he mumbled and looked at the doctor again. "Thank you... for... not turning my daughter away from yours. For not shunning my son when he reached out for help." He said seriously. Ratchets expression turned to one of confusion.

"I'm not going to hurt you... friend... if that was the case, do you think I would have wasted my time saving you?" He asked as he sat by his side. The doctor tensed and the heart monitor quickened. Though after a few minutes he calmed down a little, realizing he was right and probably wasn't going to hurt him. Then again, this could be a trick. Why was he even in the hospital? Did he mean to hurt him anyway? He felt himself panicking again.

"Easy Ratchet... you'll harm yourself... again... I won't hurt you... my son tried to save Grimlock... and... got hit by a car." He explained, unsure why he was telling him this. Ratchet looked away as tears fell down his face.

"H... he's... gone..." he rasped weakly and looked to the ceiling. "I... coul... dn't... save... him..." he whispered and squeezed his eyes shut as he choked back a sob.

"Don't blame yourself for what happened. I have a feeling they... that you're not their only victim." He said as he glared out the window then glanced at the doctor, who watched him cautiously, as if he would do something.

"I don't expect you to ever believe this... you have every right not to... but I've changed and become a better man... who I was before the mafia." He explained as the doctor gave him a skeptical expression. Megatron sighed forcefully and stood then turned to leave.

"Just don't tell anyone you saw me." He growled a little and left the room as he frowned deeply and walked off.

He sighed and hung his head as he thought about his life after the mafia. He'd probably never have his friends back. But at least he had his family. That was all he needed anyway. He grunted as someone ran into him and he was about to snap at the person but stopped.

"I'm so sorry sir." Bumblebee said as he stepped back and ran passed him towards Ratchets room. Cassidy was holding his hand as they went to find the doctor.

Megatron blinked in surprise, little Bumblebee was married? He had to admit that the two were cute together and that made him smile a little. A nurse looked at him in confusion and he turned then walked down the hall to avoid suspicion, but paused when he saw the others in Optimus' family. He just stood there and stared at them as his old friend smiled and walked with them. They were so happy and such a beautiful family. He wanted so badly to have them back in his life. He shook his head and quickly ducked around a few corners. They could never know he was alive.

Bumblebee continued to head to his uncles room but slowed down as he thought of the man that he ran into. He stopped altogether as he furrowed his brow and looked back over his shoulder, but he didn't see him. He seemed familiar somehow, but the facial hair made it hard to recognize him. He couldn't place how he knew the man, but he resembled someone he knew. His eyes widened in surprise at it finally dawned on him. Megatron. But it couldn't be, the man was dead and the one he just ran into looked too kind.

He shrugged it off and went into the room with Cassidy. She asked him what was wrong and he just smiled reassuringly before they went in to see the doctor. The rest of the family entered the small room to visit Ratchet, and Optimus sat by his side as Piper came in to check on him. The injured man's spirits seemed to be lifted as he watched and listened to his family. They helped him feel better, but his son was constantly on his mind.

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