Chapter Nine

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The man walked outside as he smiled and laughed quietly to himself. He felt so happy for Beta. It was strange how her happiness made him happy. He looked at the stars and closed his eyes as he thought about his love. Pain twisted his heart and he fought back tears.

"Ashley... I... can't let you go..." he whispered and stared at the moonless night. He got an idea and smiled slightly then looked back into the shop. She'd be okay. He put on his big coat and quickly disappeared into the night. He had to get his wife back.

He moved through the shadows and searched the richer part of town. He had located her recently, but been hesitant to actually talk to her. He saw there was a party at the house she lived in. He smiled a little and looked around the area. He looked at his clothes and his face fell, he would stick out like a sore thumb.

Megatron glanced around and moved through the shadows then managed to sneak into the massive gardens. He panted quietly as he stayed hidden behind a large tree. He waited for a moment then looked around it and stopped suddenly. There on the balcony was the love of his life. He stared at her as his heart skipped a beat. He had to get her alone and talk to her. That would be impossible here. Though he loved challenges.

He saw a side door and quickly slipped inside. He looked around and found places to hide as he made his way around the house. His heart beat quickly with excitement from the situation. This was fun to him.

He kept looking around and even 'borrowed' a coat someone had hung up. He found a room that was locked and quickly picked it, then went inside to find it was the library. He peaked through the curtains and saw he was on the first floor, with a smile he unlocked the window for an easy escape. He then found a side room where a suit was hanging in the closet, after measuring it, he put it on. He chuckled softly and fixed his hair and beard then slipped back into the main room.

The man knew he was taking a big risk, but he had to see her. He stayed in the shadows as he watched the hosts. He glared darkly at her husband and daughter. He felt she had replaced them in a way. He suddenly had a hatred for the daughter. She would never be welcome in his home. She was the reason his wife stayed in this awful place. The reason she was so miserable and never left. He hated this child.

Megatron blinked in surprise at the thought then shook his head. He knew his anger had to go somewhere, but not against this young woman. The man of the house introduced Ashley and the daughter called Brooke. Megatron stared at his love as he stayed hidden and leaned against the wall. He smiled a little and stood straighter as the party started. He watched as she danced with her husband and seemed happy.

His smile faded and he realized he shouldn't be here. The man's heart slowly started to crack and break. He felt tears welling up in his eyes and he shook his head. He watched for a moment then walked down the hall to compose himself. He turned the corner and sighed forcefully.

"It's over there." Someone said quietly and he looked to the stairs to see the daughter sitting there.

"What?" He asked as he furrowed his brow. She motioned further down the hall.

"The bathroom... isn't that what you're looking for?" She asked and looked at her hands. He just stared at her and had the feeling that she was insecure about herself.

"Yes... I suppose." He muttered not really interested in talking to her. She seemed to want to talk to someone, but he didn't care enough. He furrowed his brow and went back to the main room. He saw Ashley and went towards her.

"May I have this next dance?" He asked as he bowed and held his hand out. She looked at him but couldn't see his face clearly. She looked to her husband who was talking to someone.

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