Kaminari laughed, clapping a hand down on Kirishima's shoulder.

"That's my cue to leave. You ladies have fun now, alright? Don't hurt yourselves." He said, and although the innuendo went over Kirishima's head, it didn't go over Bakugou's.

"Have fun with the zombie, Drooly." He bit back, without missing a beat.

Kaminari's cheeks flooded red, the colour stretching down his chest and up over his ears.

"I feel like I'm missing something here." Kirishima groaned, and Kaminari giggled awkwardly.

Bakugou rolled his eyes, before turning and pulling his bedroom door closed. He then proceeded to grab hold of Kirishima's wrist, giving it a light tug in the direction of the stairs.

Kaminari's eyes dropped to where Bakugou had taken hold of Kirishima and grinned again.

"Nah. You definitely aren't oblivious to anything-"

"Can you fuck off?!" Bakugou snapped, and Kaminari lifted his hands in surrender.

The electric boy turned to Kirishima and gave him a wide smile.

"Anyway, I'll see ya later!"

Then he was off, prancing back down the corridor in the direction of his dorm.

Kirishima turned back to Bakugou, who simply tugged on his wrist again, this time more forcefully.


They had been sparring for about an hour now.

Since it was so early in the morning, and the teacher's dorm was annoyingly close to the gym, they had agreed that they would be sparring without quirks. It was mostly to save them from Aizawa's wrath if he heard Bakugou's explosions, but also because they didn't do much quirkless practice in class.

"You know," Kirishima gasped, after having only just managing to dodge another of Bakugou's swift punches, "I'm much better at grappling!"

Bakugou huffed out a laugh, sliding lower in order to speed under Kirishima's arm. He caught one of the redhead's wrists and pinned it behind his back, and in the same movement swiftly knocked one of Kirishima's legs out from under him.

Kirishima fought the urge to harden his skin as he fell, instead opting to take hold of Bakugou's waist and yank hard, bringing the other boy down with him.

They were both laughing like maniacs now, as they fought to pin the other down. Kirishima was physically stronger, but it was hard to get a grip with Bakugou squirming around like that, too agile for him to hold for long.

Bakugou was struggling to free the leg that Kirishima had managed to pin, but when it jerked free, it toppled Kirishima forward onto Bakugou's chest.

He was quick to pull himself back up onto the support of his arms, but the damage had been done.

Kirishima could feel the blood rushing to his face at the way Bakugou's entire torso and waist were pressed flush against his own. His face so close that he could smell the caramel scent of his skin, and he found himself really enjoying the way that Bakugou's chest was heaving with each unsteady breath.

Bakugou shifted slightly, avoiding Kirishima's eyes. His own cheeks were quickly colouring, so with an awkward muttering of 'you're fuckin heavy', he pushed the other boy off and stood, facing away slightly.

Kirishima jumped up immediately after him and grinned, hoping to release some of the tension that had gathered in the air.

"Are you excited for the mall? I kinda am!" Kirishima offered, and he let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding when Bakugou rolled his eyes easily and let out his usual disapproving grunt.

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