Ch. 24 What A Day

Start from the beginning

I thanked him and started looking at what was written on them.

'Okay let's see... Junk, bill, bill, junk, junk, junk, letter, junk, bill, coupons... wait, a letter?'

I quickly flipped back to the bulky envelope with cursive handwriting and inspected it. I opened it and glanced inside. I was shocked to see a decently sized bundle of fifty dollar bills, and a piece of paper surrounding them. Taking a brief moment to look at my coworkers, I decided to slip away to a more secluded area so I could inspect the contents of the envelope in peace.

Making sure no one was around, I took out the money and counted it. There were exactly two thousand dollars in my hand. I quickly put it back in the envelope and grabbed the piece of paper, which I guessed was the letter addressed to me. I unfolded it and found my suspicions were correct. It was one page and fairly short, so I decided I had enough time in my break to read it.

'Dear Scott,

Hi again! It's Kirstie. I was one of the people who spoke to you a few days ago. Remember? My friends and I found out about your... talent, and we spoke to you about ours. Before you start to wonder, yes the money is yours. I'm giving it to you so you can meet up with everyone!

You can use that money however you like, but I'm hoping you'll use it to buy a plane ticket to California. It should cost at least $1500 for a first class seat. I highly recommend them, there's so much room and the seats are super comfy! Once you touch down, you can catch a cab to where we are staying. I wrote down the address on a sticky note on the back of this letter. MAKE SURE YOU DON'T LOSE IT!!! Anyway, the cab should cost about $150 from the airport.

Once everything's said and done, if you got the ticket for first class, you should have $350 left for yourself :) I really hope you think about joining us, we'd love to hang out with you and have you in our group.

Yours truly,


P.S. His name was Kevin, not Kenneth. You were pretty close though ;)'

My eyes widened at the last sentence. How could she possibly know what I was thinking about a few minutes ago? I brushed off the strange sensation crawling up my back and flipped her letter over. Sure enough, there was a sticky note with an address scribbled on it. Before I could read the address, my watch started beeping, signaling the end of my break. I put the sticky note and letter back in the envelope with the money, and put it back in my mail pile.

Making sure there was a good place to hide it, I put the mail with the rest of my things before going back to work. Since there was a lot of money on the line, I used a few extra precautions to make sure it was safe. It was nothing big, I just made sure to stack several cinder blocks on top of my stuff. With one final glance at the large, lumpy pile, I sighed and went back to work.

~*~ Time Skip ~*~

By the time I finished work and was heading back home, my thoughts from earlier had returned.

'What if someone actually gets hurt? What if someone gets killed? Do they have any idea how dangerous that stuff could be? Who would ever want to leave their family to do something dangerous anyway? Why did they ask me for help? How did they even know where to find me?... Oh wait, the Kirstie girl can look into the future...' I paused. 'What if I gave them a try? Maybe I could actually use my strength without hurting anyone for once.'

I quickly shook my head to clear my thoughts and continued my path home. Being able to use my strength without anyone getting hurt? Yeah right, something like that was just wishful thinking. I was almost home when I heard footsteps behind me. Not thinking anything of it, I kept walking.

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